Au fost gasite 358 articole pentru presedintia romaniei la consiliul ue
La reuniunea de la Bruxelles, prezidată de ministrul pentru afaceri europene, George Ciamba, se va discuta şi despre viitorul...
În cadrul preşedinţiei României la Consiliul UE ministrul economiei, Niculae Bădălău, va prezida luni, la Bruxelles, prima...
Seat of ELA will be decided after adoption of legislative act.
Romania succeeded to obtain political consensus in over 40 major EU legislative dossiers.
Preşedinţia română la Consiliul UE - bilanţ la o lună şi jumătate de la preluarea mandatului.
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis reprezintă România la conferinţa de securitate de la München.
Reuniunea ECOFIN, cea de-a doua din timpul Preşedinţiei României la Consiliul UE, este prezidată de ministrul de finanţe,...
Cohesion Policy is the priority of Romania's Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
"Fight Against anti-Semitism, a Common Approach for Better Protection of Jewish Communities in Europe, from Policies to Action".
Romania will pay special attention to implementation of Action Plan of Military Mobility.
Schengen, Data Exchange, Migration on Agenda.
Prim-ministrul României va avea întrevederi cu prim-vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene Frans Timmermans şi cu preşedintele...
Problematica spaţiului Schengen, printre principalele subiecte aflate pe agenda reuniunii informale a Consiliului Justiţie şi...
Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă will participate in two events organized under Romania’s EU Council Presidency.
Event takes place in the context of Romania`s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Aim is to achieve greater efficiency, transparency and legal certainty through the use of digital tools.
Western Mediterranean Sea will soon have new tools in place to tackle overfishing.
Simpler and quicker cross-border distribution of investment funds.
European Union is introducing new rules on interoperability between EU information systems in the area of Justice and Home...
Mechanism will allow European companies to do business with Iran, bypassing US sanctions.
On Agenda: Venezuelan political crisis, Syrian conflict and Eastern Partnership.
Principalele obiective ale proiectului de apărare europeană se dezbat în aceste zile la Bucureşti, unde se reunesc miniştrii...
Presidents of EU Council and European Parliament, Donald Tusk and Antonio Tajani, reject the idea of renegotiating Brexit...
Moldovan officials see an opportunity in the Romanian EU Presidency to develop relations on the Chisinau-Brussels axis and to...
Event organized by Romania's Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Oficialii moldoveni văd în preşedinţia română la Consiliul Uniunii Europene o oportunitate pentru dezvoltarea relaţiilor pe...
Preşedinţii Consiliului şi Parlamentului European, Donald Tusk şi Antonio Tajani, resping ideea unei renegocieri a acordului...
European Union is introducing new rules to make it easier and safer to buy and sell both goods and digital content cross-border.
Romanian Presidency reaches provisional agreement with the European Parliament on carcinogens and mutagens at work.
Minister-Delegate Ciamba: Romania wants to be a partner and a good mediator during its EU Presidency.
Audierea ministrului delegat pentru afaceri europene, George Ciamba, în Comisia de afaceri constituţionale a Parlamentului...
On Agenda: Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, Romania's EU Presidency priorities in the field, such as plant and animal...
European Day of Data Protection, informal meeting of EU Defense Ministers and Gymnich Meeting.
It implies easier access of companies to data held by public sector institutions.
Swordfish,GFCM, direct payments and support for rural development, combating unfair trading practices,spirit drinks.
Purpose of the Directive is to improve access for the working parents and caregivers to the labor market.
It is the first time a country holding EU Presidency highlights priorities in this EU consultative body.
Motto of Romanian EU Presidency: "Cohesion, a common European value".
Un mare concert cu multe surprize, aşa este anunţat evenimentul care va fi în acest weekend la Paris.
Un acord politic provizoriu a fost încheiat şi în sectorul digital de preşedinţia României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene cu...