Au fost gasite 358 articole pentru presedintia romaniei la consiliul ue
Directorul Centrului pentru Prevenire a Conflictelor, Iulian Chifu, a vorbit la “Serviciul de noapte” cu Maria Țoghină,...
Ministrul delegat pentru afaceri europene, George Ciamba, va prezida marţi, la Luxemburg, reuniunea Consiliului Afaceri...
On Agenda: Investment priorities of Cohesion Policy during programming period 2021-2027.
Setting of a Multilateral Investment Court is being discussed in Brussels in EU Council where Romania currently holds the...
Debates on 11 April will focus on elaborating a strategy to ensure gender equality.
Romania has a very well-established plan to switch to Euro, and goal remains clear for 2024.
Trif: Integration of new technologies and enhancing environmental protection efforts are essential for the development of...
16.00: Joint Declaration by Commissioner Moedas and Romanian Minister for Research, Nicolae Hurduc.
La ora 16.00, ministrul român al Cercetării Nicolae Hurduc si comisarul european Carlos Moedas au programată o declaraţie...
Meeting starts on April 2nd with a visit to High Power Laser System of Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics Center...
Directive is one of the two files of Company Law Package introduced as part of Commission’s Single Market Strategy.
Parlamentul European şi Consiliul au ajuns la un acord provizoriu privind consolidarea normelor în materie de protecţie a...
EU is working to improve protection of its external borders as part of its comprehensive approach to migration.
Event is organized under Romania’s EU Council Presidency.
Romanian Ministry of Energy organizes, on 2 April, in Bucharest, an Informal Meeting of EU Energy Ministers.
Consiliul Informal de Energie, reuneşte la Palatul Parlamentului miniştrii energiei din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene.
Evenimentul este organizat, în cadrul preşedinţiei României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene.
Conferinţa Interparlamentară privind viitorul Uniunii Europene are loc, luni şi marţi, la Bucureşti.
Agenda: MFF, Priorities of following institutional cycle, Capital Markets Union, Workforce mobility, Role of taxation in...
Next International Coffee Council meeting will be held from 23-27 September 2019 in London, UK.
EU introduces a new regulation imposing enhanced safety standards for car manufacturers in a bid to significantly reduce the...
Member States will have 24 months from entry into force of the directive to transpose it into national law.
Comercianţii vor fi obligaţi să-i informeze pe consumatori în privinţa dublului standard, după adoptarea de către ambasadorii...
MEPs and EU Ministers have agreed on a higher target (37.5%) to reduce EU fleet-wide emissions for new cars by 2030.
Commission estimates that Horizon Europe will increase EU's GDP and create up to 100 000 jobs in R&I activities for 2021- 2027.
Event was organized by Romanian Ministry of Defense (MApN) and the European Defense Agency (EDA).
European Union is shaping up its new financial tool to support investment and job creation.
With Council having adopted its position, Romania’s EU Council Presidency can start negotiations with the European Parliament.
It will now be down to EU Member States to approve European Parliament’s decision in the coming weeks.
Conferința privind Cercetarea și Inovarea în domeniul Capabilităților pentru Apărare.
Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul preşedinţiei semestriale a României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene, iar dezbaterile vor...
Agenda: Multimodality, Future of Mobility in the EU and Enhancing Connectivity and Cohesion through TEN-T Network.
Ambassador Maior: We set the transatlantic relationship the priority of our EU Presidency.
„For a stronger, united and forward-looking Europe”.
Premierul Viorica Dăncilă şi prim-vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene, Frans Timmermans, au avut miercuri, la Bruxelles, o...
Miniştrii Afacerilor Europene se reunesc marţi la Bruxelles pentru a pregăti summitul european de primăvară şi vor discuta...
La Bruxelles, miniştrii europeni ai agriculturii s-au reunit, luni, pentru a discuta despre reforma Politicii Agricole Comune.
Agriculture Ministers from EU Member States meet today in Brussels to discuss main challenges in the field.
Event focuses on the role of regional cooperation, as a prerequisite of the European integration process of the Western Balkans.
Romania was congratulated for provisional agreements on all four priorities in labour and social affairs, in only two months...
Officials from 17 EU Member States are to attend the meeting.