Au fost gasite 358 articole pentru presedintia romaniei la consiliul ue
Subiectul alocaţiilor pentru copiii românilor rezidenţi în Austria, discutat la Bucureşti, la reuniunea miniştrilor pentru...
La Bruxelles, miniştrii europeni ai agriculturii se reunesc luni pentru a discuta despre principalele provocări din domeniu.
M. Budăi: "Preşedinţia română la Consiliul Uniunii Europene se va asigura că cetăţenii europeni vor rămâne în centrul...
Drepturile lucrătorilor europeni vor fi discutate astăzi în Consiliul destinat politicilor sociale, prezidat de ministrul...
Conference Capability-Driven Defense Research and Innovation Conference will take place on 26 March 2019 at the Palace of...
EU will soon have a new framework in place, setting out rules for clearing houses in the single market.
EU wants to make sure Connecting Europe Facility will continue to fund key projects in the areas of transport, digital and...
European Union is designing its space policy program for the years 2021-2027.
Invitation has been addressed during meeting of Romanian Minister of Labour and Social Justice and Head of Swiss Federal...
The 8th European Summit of Regions and Cities starts today at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest.
La Palatul Parlamentului începe cel de-al VIII-lea Summit European al regiunilor şi oraşelor
Cea de-a treia întâlnire ECOFIN, la Bruxelles, prezidată de ministrul român de finanţe, Eugen Teodorovici.
La Bucureşti începe în această seară reuniunea informală a Consiliului Afaceri Generale, organizată de Preşedinţia română a...
Romania succeeded in finalizing several important dossiers on EU Agenda in two months since taking over the EU Council...
Event will take place on Tuesday, March 12, at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest.
Discussions focused on revision of Financial Rules in particular on amending provisions on public procurement.
Agenda includes EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and Future of Europe.
Council is ready to start trilogue negotiations on the whole e-evidence package as soon as the Parliament has adopted its...
România a reuşit, în cele două luni de preşedinţie europeană, să finalizeze mai multe dosare importante de pe agenda forului...
Uniunea Europeană îşi consolidează capacităţile de protecţie civilă pentru o mai bună prevenire a riscurilor.
Event will be held at Palace of National Bank of Romania (NBR) and will be hosted and chaired by Romanian Minister Delegate...
EU-China trade and investment relations were debated based on recent developments in international trade and considering...
EU is updating its rules on the energy performance labelling of tyres and extending its scope to tyres for heavy-duty vehicles.
European Union will soon have in place a set of new rules to better scrutinise direct investments coming from third countries...
European Union is soon implementing new, longer term rules to manage fishing activities in the Western Waters.
Directiva privind apa potabilă, una din priorităţile României la preşedinţia Consilului Uniunii Europene.
La Bucureşti are loc astăzi Reuniunea informală a miniştrilor Comunicaţiilor din Uniunea Europeană.
Romanian and North-Macedonian Prime Ministers have discussed about development of bilateral relations and collaboration in...
Hybrid threats and measures to counteract them, especially in the preparation of the May European Parliament elections, have...
Bucharest hosts two conferences on Thursday, part of events that are being organized by the Romanian Presidency of the...
Ameninţările hibride şi contracararea acestora, în special în pregătirea alegerilor europarlamentare, au fost dezbătute la...
În Bucureşti au loc joi două conferinţe în cadrul seriei organizate de preşedinţia română a Consiliului Uniunii Europene.
Preşedinţia română a Consiliului UE este – asemenea altor preşedinţii anterioare – susţinută de o serie întreagă de companii....
Bucharest hosts a series of events and conferences this week, under Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Romania’s EU Council Presidency has obtained approval of EU Member States for Natural Gas Directive.
Directive was validated by the Member States at the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper).
Preşedinţia română a Consiliului Uniunii Europene a obţinut susţinerea finală a statelor membre pentru Directiva Gazelor...
Interviu cu ministrul culturii, Valer-Daniel Breaz.
Promovarea UE ca destinație unică în domeniul turismului, prioritatea României la Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene
European Union is introducing tighter security for ID cards in order to reduce identity fraud.
New rules which set binding CO2 emission reduction targets for heavy-duty vehicles.
EU is strengthening cooperation and coordination between liaison Officers.
EU Trade Ministers will gather in Bucharest on 21-22 February for an informal meeting.
Meeting, chaired by Romanian Minister-Delegate for European Affairs, George Ciamba, has future Multiannual Financial...
Romanian Economy Minister Niculae Bădălău, who chaired meeting, spoke about the importance of stimulating development and use...