Au fost gasite 358 articole pentru presedintia romaniei la consiliul ue
Speech by Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă at the stocktaking conference on the exercise of the Romanian EU Council Presidency.
VIDEO: Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a prezentat bilanţul Preşedinţiei României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene.
Romanian EU Council Presidency managed to coordinate agreements on 90 legislative files on the EU Agenda.
Forum will cover topics of particular importance for the Danube region.
Marius Budăi:It is a shared responsibility of EU Member States and of European social partners to support integration of...
Joint EU-U.S. statement following the EU-U.S. Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting.
EU Council adopted, on 17 June, conclusions approving EU human rights guidelines on safe drinking water and sanitation.
Council reiterates that cooperation through effective multilateralism remains the best way to advance national as well as...
Regulation adopted on 14 June by EU Council addresses relations between online platforms and businesses.
Ministrul Finanţelor Publice, Eugen Teodorovici, va conduce, la Luxembourg, lucrările ECOFIN.
Event will be attended by European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu.
Forum is built around five key topics: security and defense, challenges of democracy, impact of technology and...
Meeting has been attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Environmental National Guard, European...
Conclusions will assist in the development of the EU's future digital policy.
Partial mandate ensures respect of migrants' fundamental rights, especially the principle of non-refoulement.
Partial general approaches agreed by the Council will serve as basis for future negotiations with the European Parliament.
Romania’s Presidency of EU Council welcomes the latest Enlargement Package, published under its current mandate.
Conference has been organized in the context of Romania’s EU Council Presidency, under the patronage of Romanian Prime Minister.
9th EU-ESA Space Council has sent a clear message on the ambition to further consolidate the leading global role of Europe in...
Conference aims at supporting and stimulating investment.
Aim is to enable Black Sea littoral countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine) and Republic of Moldova...
Event takes place under Romania’s EU Council Presidency.
Event takes place under Romania’s EU Council Presidency.
Post 2020 CAP reform package, Clean Planet for All, Trade-related agricultural issues.
Regulation will be signed in the week of 20 May will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal.
New regulations will ease and improve information sharing.
Most of the new rules will start applying in mid-2021.
Regulation is expected to enter into force by 1 July 2019.
Exerciţiul militar European Spartan 2019 va avea loc în perioada 13-24 mai 2019 în Baza 90 Transport Aerian din Otopeni.
Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership, COHOM, Energy attaches, European Cluster Conference.
În actualul context politic, declarația liderilor Uniunii Europene adoptată la Sibiu transmite un mesaj de unitate a statelor...
Presa internaţională abordează în termeni realişti summitul european de ieri de la Sibiu.
"Summitul şi Declaraţia de la Sibiu" - comentariile lui Titus Corlăţean, Teodor Baconschi și Andrei Ţărnea, la RRA.
EU informal summit in Sibiu: Joint press conference Klaus Iohannis, Donald Tusk, Jean-Claude Juncker
Conferinţă de presă comună susținută la Sibiu de Klaus Iohannis, Donald Tusk și Jean-Claude Juncker.
Mii de sibieni, dar şi turişti au venit, astăzi, în Piaţa Mare să-i vadă pe liderii europeni care participă la summitul de la...
Migrația, terorismul și comunicarea cu cetățenii sunt de altfel principalele vulnerabilități ale Uniunii Europene, este...
Informal summit of EU leaders is currently taking place at the Brukenthal National Museum in Sibiu.
Textul cuprinde zece angajamente ale liderilor UE.
La Muzeul Brukenthal sunt în desfăşurare lucrările summitului informal al liderilor Uniunii Europene.
“Sibiu Declaration” conveys a message of unity and trust in European actions.
Şefii de stat şi guverne din statele membre UE au adoptat Declaraţia de la Sibiu cu privire la viitorul Uniunii Europene, în...
EU Executive has set the agenda for the next period, to be presented to European leaders during EU Summit in Sibiu.
Romania has managed to unblock discussions on several important issues for the European future, Romanian Prime Minister said...
Unity is the basic principle on which future of the European Union will be built, according to the Draft "Sibiu Declaration".
Migraţia şi terorismul, teme ale unei conferinţe organizate la Sibiu, în marja summit-ului liderilor UE.