Tulcea: €10 million for community development projects

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 23 Noiembrie 2024, 00:40
Tulcea municipality will receive approximately 10 million euro for projects aimed at community development, both in terms of educational and health infrastructure and entrepreneurship, for the establishment of social economy enterprises.
The funding will be made through two local action groups, set up by the Directorate of Social Assistance and Protection a year ago.
Luiza Rosetti reports that teachers from four schools in Tulcea met on Friday with representatives of the Restart-Neptun Local Action Group, which is offering around €360.000 to solve the main problems they face.
Marius Mihaila, manager of the Restart-Neptun group: "For equipment and rehabilitation we have €159.280. We have €200.000 for integrated services in the field of education and anti-discrimination. We are talking about classroom rehabilitation, modernization, equipping. For example, School 9 is the only school in Tulcea with wood heating. Maybe we can manage to attract them to obtain funding, so that it can be equipped with a gas central heating system."
The Future for Tulcea Action Group will also have a similar budget for the first call for projects for educational infrastructure.
"The situation is that many schools in Tulcea are under renovation and they can't apply because it would mean double funding, but we found schools that don't have support, so they will enter", says manager Gabriela Popa.
The two groups have a total budget of around €10m and hope to announce the opening of the first call for projects by the end of this year.
In Romania, only Timisoara has two local action groups that can access EU funds.
Translated by: Radu Matei