Cheap train tickets

Articol de Alex Lancuzov, 31 Ianuarie 2021, 20:10
Prices for train tickets are reduced by almost 50% tomorrow for 25 InterRegio trains from CFR Calatori, which will be converted into Regio Express trains.
Thus, a second class ticket on the route Craiova - Bucharest is reduced from 56 to 30 lei.
Out of the total of 25 InterRegio trains, for which the transition to the Regio Express code applies, nine trains are on the route Titu - Targoviste and back, six on the route Craiova - Sibiu, but there are also two Bucharest - Brasov - Sibiu trains for which the new transport regime is valid only for the distance Brasov - Sibiu, transmits the RRA reporter, Alexandru Lancuzov.
Translated by: Radu Matei