Romanian Social Democrats have an interim team that will ensure party leadership until PSD Congress in February 2020.
Romania notifies Hungary that the so-called ”Development of Transylvania Program” should be carried out only with the...
Radio Romania News Channel (RRA) has been awarded for its coverage on evolutions in the capital market.
Departure to Albania is expected today, around 3 pm.
Romanian Minister of Defense, Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă, continues meetings with Ambassadors accredited in Bucharest.
Dăncilă receives more and more criticism from some of the party's leading representatives, after yesterday's election result.
This week’s Strasbourg plenary session of the European Parliament is marked by Wednesday's vote for the new European Commission.
8,000 book stands were put up as part of this edition.
UPDATE: 23.00 - Klaus Iohannis won on Sunday, in the second round of the presidential elections, 92.89%, and Viorica Dăncilă...
Data are valid for 19.30 hours and only for polling stations on the Romanian territory, without taking into account polling...
Official exit polls will be announced at 21:00 (Bucharest time).
The Pope has appointed Bishop Aurel Percă, auxiliary of Iaşi and titular of Mauriana, as metropolitan archbishop of...
Main topic of the official meeting was development of bilateral defense cooperation.
United States Senate has confirmed Adrian Zuckerman as the new US Ambassador to Romania.
European Parliament's Conference of Presidents is to make on Thursday the final evaluation of hearings of the 26...
Romanian Deputy Chief of Defense, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, is in Brussels, to attend the EU Military Committee...
Romanian Minister of Defense, Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă, has welcomed, today, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National...
Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, has met, on Thursday, in Brussels, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.
In Romania, nearly 11 thousand new cars were registered for traffic in October.
Works at the Ghencea Stadium are 65% completed and by the end of May 2020 they are supposed to be almost ready.
(MEPs) have approved the candidacy of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi as European Commissioner for Enlargement.
A criminal case has been opened in rem for manslaughter.
Fair will be open daily from Wednesday until Sunday, between 10am and 8pm.
Investigation is under way, with legal measures to be taken, according to release from the Romanian Police.
Sibiu is the first city in Romania to enter the atmosphere of winter holidays.
European Commissioner-designate for Transport, Adina Vălean, has received on Thursday approval from European Parliament’s...
President Klaus Iohannis and PSD leader, Viorica Dăncilă will compete in the second round, which will take place on November 24.
They discussed dynamics of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States.
New candidates from Romania, Hungary and France for the positions of EU Commissioners are to be heard on Thursday in the EP...
ECHR is requested to allow submission of new observations in these cases.
Ambassador González discussed possibilities of collaboration between Radio Romania and the national radio in Uruguay.
European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs meets on Tuesday to examine potential or actual conflict of interest of...
Iohannis got 39% of the votes, and Dăncilă some 22%.
There are 14 candidates in the firsts round of the presidential elections in Romania.
Fourteen candidates are registered in this race.
President of the European Commission has decided that MEP Adina Vălean is to take over the Transport portfolio.
New candidate is to be heard in the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) and, on November 14, in the...
Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has inaugurated, this morning, the production and maintenance capacity for the Piranha V armored...
New ministers have presented their priorities in the presence of Prime Minister Orban and President Klaus Iohannis.
Romanian Parliament meets, on Monday at 2:00 pm, in a joint session, for approval vote on the program and composition of the...
Foyer of Radio Romania Headquarters in Bucharest hosts, until 5 November, a photo exhibition titled "Afghanistan. Faces of...
On November 1, 1928, at 17:00, the Romanian Public Radio broadcasted for the first time, after the announcement "This is...
Radio Romania News Channel has received a special prize at the Award Gala of the Top National Companies in Romania.
On November 1st, Radio Romania celebrates 91 years of existence.
He will be buried today at 14:00 at the Ghencea Cemetery in Bucharest.
64 people died and nearly 200 were severely injured in the tragic event of 30 October 2015.
It is expected that this decision will be formalized through a written procedure.
A team of 30 Romanian soldiers and policemen from Covasna County will take the flag to the mountain peak.
Romania's Prime Minister designate proposes a 16-minister Cabinet, a Deputy Prime Minister and a Secretary General of the...
Future Romanian Government needs to be validated.
President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, present at the military ceremony held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the 'Carol...
Preşedintele României a declarat că "imediat după votarea preşedinţilor celor două Camere" va face o desemnare pentru poziţia de prim-ministru.
La monumentul din fața Sălii Radio, foști și actuali angajați ai Radiodifuziunii Române, cadre militare și reprezentanții...
UPDATE: Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a anunțat că va susține duminică, ora 14:00, la Palatul Cotroceni, o...
Rudele eroilor Revoluției române: Uitând istoria negăm sacrificiul oamenilor acestora, negăm toate sacrificiile și toate...
Nouă cetățeni români care se aflau pe insula afectată de ciclon, preluaţi de o aeronavă aparținând Forțelor Aeriene Franceze.
Recomandări de weekend de la corespondenții Radio România Actualități.