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News in English

Doctors' recommendations for hot days
News in English 02 August 2020, 22:26

Doctors' recommendations for hot days

Doctors' recommendations for hot days
19 counties have established the obligation to wear masks outdoors
News in English 02 August 2020, 22:18

19 counties have established the obligation to wear masks outdoors

19 counties have established the obligation to wear masks outdoors
Graduation Ceremony at the Basarab 1 Military School in Pitesti
News in English 01 August 2020, 22:19

Graduation Ceremony at the Basarab 1 Military School in Pitesti

Graduation Ceremony at the Basarab 1 Military School in Pitesti
Six towns have entered quarantine
News in English 01 August 2020, 22:15

Six towns have entered quarantine

Six towns have entered quarantine
Astra Open Air Museum in Sibiu, attractive to visitors
News in English 31 Iulie 2020, 18:36

Astra Open Air Museum in Sibiu, attractive to visitors

Astra Open Air Museum in Sibiu, attractive to visitors
Belgium imposes new measures for Romanian tourists from August 1
News in English 31 Iulie 2020, 18:30

Belgium imposes new measures for Romanian tourists from August 1

Belgium imposes new measures for Romanian tourists from August 1
The mask becomes mandatory in open spaces in several counties
News in English 30 Iulie 2020, 20:20

The mask becomes mandatory in open spaces in several counties

The mask becomes mandatory in open spaces in several counties
1.356 new cases of coronavirus
News in English 30 Iulie 2020, 20:15

1.356 new cases of coronavirus

1.356 new cases of coronavirus
Law promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis
News in English 23 Iulie 2020, 19:23

Law promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis

Law promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis
Romania: 1.112 new cases of coronavirus infection
News in English 23 Iulie 2020, 19:16

Romania: 1.112 new cases of coronavirus infection

Romania: 1.112 new cases of coronavirus infection
Klaus Iohannis, visit to the Ford factory in Craiova
News in English 22 Iulie 2020, 19:39

Klaus Iohannis, visit to the Ford factory in Craiova

Klaus Iohannis, visit to the Ford factory in Craiova
1030 new cases of Covid-19 infection
News in English 22 Iulie 2020, 19:34

1030 new cases of Covid-19 infection

1030 new cases of Covid-19 infection
A new record for severe cases of coronavirus
News in English 21 Iulie 2020, 17:25

A new record for severe cases of coronavirus

A new record for severe cases of coronavirus
Heavy traffic at Romania's borders
News in English 21 Iulie 2020, 17:19

Heavy traffic at Romania's borders

Heavy traffic at Romania's borders
Ludovic Orban stated that all measures will be taken against COVID-19
News in English 20 Iulie 2020, 15:46

Ludovic Orban stated that all measures will be taken against COVID-19

Ludovic Orban stated that all measures will be taken against COVID-19
681 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Romania
News in English 20 Iulie 2020, 15:41

681 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Romania

681 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Romania
COVID outbreaks in Valcea, at a factory in Braila and TAROM
News in English 18 Iulie 2020, 16:31

COVID outbreaks in Valcea, at a factory in Braila and TAROM

COVID outbreaks in Valcea, at a factory in Braila and TAROM
Police confiscated 12 kg of cannabis and 400 ecstasy tablets
News in English 18 Iulie 2020, 16:13

Police confiscated 12 kg of cannabis and 400 ecstasy tablets

Police confiscated 12 kg of cannabis and 400 ecstasy tablets
The quarantine law, promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis
News in English 18 Iulie 2020, 16:09

The quarantine law, promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis

The quarantine law, promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis
"Romania has a great chance to obtain consistent EU funding"
News in English 17 Iulie 2020, 21:03

"Romania has a great chance to obtain consistent EU funding"

"Romania has a great chance to obtain consistent EU funding"
More than 100.000 tourists are expected on the seaside this weekend
News in English 17 Iulie 2020, 20:58

More than 100.000 tourists are expected on the seaside this weekend

More than 100.000 tourists are expected on the seaside this weekend
799 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, reported on Friday
News in English 17 Iulie 2020, 20:55

799 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, reported on Friday

799 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, reported on Friday
Brasov "mobilized exemplary" in the fight against the new coronavirus
News in English 17 Iulie 2020, 17:09

Brasov "mobilized exemplary" in the fight against the new coronavirus

Brasov "mobilized exemplary" in the fight against the new coronavirus
The European Commission will invest in key transport projects
News in English 16 Iulie 2020, 20:14

The European Commission will invest in key transport projects

The European Commission will invest in key transport projects
11 beaches will be rehabilitated in the next three years
News in English 16 Iulie 2020, 15:46

11 beaches will be rehabilitated in the next three years

11 beaches will be rehabilitated in the next three years
SCG: 777 new COVID-19 cases have been detected in the last 24 hours
News in English 16 Iulie 2020, 15:42

SCG: 777 new COVID-19 cases have been detected in the last 24 hours

SCG: 777 new COVID-19 cases have been detected in the last 24 hours
List of test centers for infection with the new coronavirus
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 17:04

List of test centers for infection with the new coronavirus

List of test centers for infection with the new coronavirus
Hungary imposes new restrictions on cross-border travel
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 16:55

Hungary imposes new restrictions on cross-border travel

Hungary imposes new restrictions on cross-border travel
Romania no longer meets the economic criteria for entering the Eurozone
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 15:40

Romania no longer meets the economic criteria for entering the Eurozone

Romania no longer meets the economic criteria for entering the Eurozone
Thousands of places available in vocational, dual and technological schools
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 15:34

Thousands of places available in vocational, dual and technological schools

Thousands of places available in vocational, dual and technological schools
Fines for non-compliance with anti-COVID measures of 5 mil lei in one week
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 15:26

Fines for non-compliance with anti-COVID measures of 5 mil lei in one week

Fines for non-compliance with anti-COVID measures of 5 mil lei in one week
Check-ups in crowded places continue
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 15:22

Check-ups in crowded places continue

Check-ups in crowded places continue
Situation of Covid-19 infections in Romania
News in English 12 Iulie 2020, 15:18

Situation of Covid-19 infections in Romania

Situation of Covid-19 infections in Romania
Quarantine law, necessary "in any country with an advanced health system"
News in English 11 Iulie 2020, 21:20

Quarantine law, necessary "in any country with an advanced health system"

Quarantine law, necessary "in any country with an advanced health system"
New rules for car registration
News in English 11 Iulie 2020, 15:32

New rules for car registration

New rules for car registration
Record number of covid-19 cases in Romania
News in English 11 Iulie 2020, 15:28

Record number of covid-19 cases in Romania

Record number of covid-19 cases in Romania
Eight detained in a case regarding the illegal obtaining of car permits
News in English 09 Iulie 2020, 14:02

Eight detained in a case regarding the illegal obtaining of car permits

Eight detained in a case regarding the illegal obtaining of car permits
A TVR employee, confirmed positive with the new coronavirus
News in English 09 Iulie 2020, 13:51

A TVR employee, confirmed positive with the new coronavirus

A TVR employee, confirmed positive with the new coronavirus
Iohannis: If the situation worsens, restrictive measures may return
News in English 08 Iulie 2020, 21:12

Iohannis: If the situation worsens, restrictive measures may return

Iohannis: If the situation worsens, restrictive measures may return
Romania: Record number of cases of coronavirus infection
News in English 08 Iulie 2020, 21:08

Romania: Record number of cases of coronavirus infection

Romania: Record number of cases of coronavirus infection
Asymptomatic patients tested positive "can be discharged on request"
News in English 08 Iulie 2020, 21:01

Asymptomatic patients tested positive "can be discharged on request"

Asymptomatic patients tested positive "can be discharged on request"
Gendarmes' recommendations to avoid a bear's attack
News in English 08 Iulie 2020, 02:07

Gendarmes' recommendations to avoid a bear's attack

Gendarmes' recommendations to avoid a bear's attack
Eurostat: Almost a quarter of underage mothers from the EU live in Romania
News in English 08 Iulie 2020, 02:00

Eurostat: Almost a quarter of underage mothers from the EU live in Romania

Eurostat: Almost a quarter of underage mothers from the EU live in Romania
Vama Veche: 15 drug possession offenses
News in English 06 Iulie 2020, 18:34

Vama Veche: 15 drug possession offenses

Vama Veche: 15 drug possession offenses
The government has passed the law on quarantine and isolation
News in English 06 Iulie 2020, 14:51

The government has passed the law on quarantine and isolation

The government has passed the law on quarantine and isolation
Romanians can enter Hungary without restrictions
News in English 06 Iulie 2020, 14:41

Romanians can enter Hungary without restrictions

Romanians can enter Hungary without restrictions
Justice Day in Romania
News in English 05 Iulie 2020, 14:57

Justice Day in Romania

Justice Day in Romania
Romania: 391 new cases of infection with coronavirus
News in English 05 Iulie 2020, 14:48

Romania: 391 new cases of infection with coronavirus

Romania: 391 new cases of infection with coronavirus
Sanctions for non-compliance with the rules of social-distancing
News in English 04 Iulie 2020, 22:28

Sanctions for non-compliance with the rules of social-distancing

Sanctions for non-compliance with the rules of social-distancing
New cases of coronavirus infection
News in English 04 Iulie 2020, 22:22

New cases of coronavirus infection

New cases of coronavirus infection
Message of the US Ambassador to Romania, Adrian Zuckerman #July 4th
News in English 02 Iulie 2020, 16:28

Message of the US Ambassador to Romania, Adrian Zuckerman #July 4th

Message of the US Ambassador to Romania, Adrian Zuckerman #July 4th
Salariul minim brut pe economie a crescut la 4.050 lei
România 02 Ianuarie 2025, 08:49

Salariul minim brut pe economie a crescut la 4.050 lei

Odată cu creșterea salariului minim s-a majorat și valoarea punctului de amendă pentru șoferi, de la 165 la 202,50 lei.

Salariul minim brut pe economie a crescut la 4.050 lei

Ultima oră

Expoziția multimedia "Garden of Lights", la Grădina Botanică din București

Expoziția multimedia "Garden of Lights", la Grădina Botanică din București

Ratele la creditele ipotecare scad

Ratele la creditele ipotecare scad

România exportă electricitate și gaze în R. Moldova numai după acoperirea necesarului intern

România exportă electricitate și gaze în R. Moldova numai după acoperirea necesarului intern

Istoria Comunismului din România, introdusă în programa școlară pentru liceu

Istoria Comunismului din România, introdusă în programa școlară pentru liceu

Salariul minim brut pe economie a crescut la 4.050 lei

Salariul minim brut pe economie a crescut la 4.050 lei

SUPERLIGA: Portarul Bogdan Ungureanu sub formă de împrumut la Corvinul Hunedoara

SUPERLIGA: Portarul Bogdan Ungureanu sub formă de împrumut la Corvinul Hunedoara
Mai multe...
Istoria Comunismului din România, introdusă în programa școlară pentru liceu
Ştiri 02 Ianuarie 2025, 08:52

Istoria Comunismului din România, introdusă în programa școlară pentru liceu

Materia va fi obligatorie și se va preda în anul școlar 2025 - 2026 elevilor de clasa a XII-a, învățământ de zi, respectiv a...

Istoria Comunismului din România, introdusă în programa școlară pentru liceu
OUG care prevede reducerea unor cheltuieli în sectorul public, publicată în Monitorul Oficial
România 01 Ianuarie 2025, 11:34

OUG care prevede reducerea unor cheltuieli în sectorul public, publicată în Monitorul Oficial

Actul normativ este în vigoare de la 1 ianuarie și va sta la baza adoptării legii bugetului de stat pentru anul viitor.

OUG care prevede reducerea unor cheltuieli în sectorul public, publicată în Monitorul Oficial
România exportă electricitate și gaze în R. Moldova numai după acoperirea necesarului intern
România 02 Ianuarie 2025, 08:55

România exportă electricitate și gaze în R. Moldova numai după acoperirea necesarului intern

Ministrul de energiei, Sebastian Burduja, a explicat că a făcut această precizare pentru a combate probaganda toxică.

România exportă electricitate și gaze în R. Moldova numai după acoperirea necesarului intern
Ratele la creditele ipotecare scad
Economie 02 Ianuarie 2025, 10:30

Ratele la creditele ipotecare scad

Indicele de referință IRCC scade la 5,66%, potrivit BNR.

Ratele la creditele ipotecare scad
Superliga de fotbal. Animație pe piața transferurilor
Sport 01 Ianuarie 2025, 21:25

Superliga de fotbal. Animație pe piața transferurilor

Vacanța a fost scurtă pentru echipele din Superliga României. A început sarabanda transferurilor de jucători, dar și de...

Superliga de fotbal. Animație pe piața transferurilor