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News in English

The energy ordinance regarding capping and protection has a deadline
News in English 07 Septembrie 2022, 03:50

The energy ordinance regarding capping and protection has a deadline

The energy ordinance regarding capping and protection has a deadline
The Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy began in Bucharest
News in English 07 Septembrie 2022, 03:49

The Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy began in Bucharest

The Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy began in Bucharest
Radio Romania News, again in first place
News in English 05 Septembrie 2022, 19:58

Radio Romania News, again in first place

Radio Romania News, again in first place
1.176 new cases of COVID-19
News in English 05 Septembrie 2022, 19:56

1.176 new cases of COVID-19

1.176 new cases of COVID-19
Bucharest: The new regulation for electric scooters, in public debate
News in English 05 Septembrie 2022, 04:45

Bucharest: The new regulation for electric scooters, in public debate

Bucharest: The new regulation for electric scooters, in public debate
Increasing the number of accommodation places for tourists
News in English 05 Septembrie 2022, 04:43

Increasing the number of accommodation places for tourists

Increasing the number of accommodation places for tourists
Romanian Language Day, celebrated in Italy
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:33

Romanian Language Day, celebrated in Italy

Romanian Language Day, celebrated in Italy
The Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, in Brasov's Council Square
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:31

The Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, in Brasov's Council Square

The Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, in Brasov's Council Square
"Only 6% of the Romanian population do sports"
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:28

"Only 6% of the Romanian population do sports"

"Only 6% of the Romanian population do sports"
Red Cross: Social shop for Ukrainian refugees, in Bucharest
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:26

Red Cross: Social shop for Ukrainian refugees, in Bucharest

Red Cross: Social shop for Ukrainian refugees, in Bucharest
GEO for the regulation of the energy market "will be adopted on Thursday"
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:24

GEO for the regulation of the energy market "will be adopted on Thursday"

GEO for the regulation of the energy market "will be adopted on Thursday"
Unit 1 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, resynchronized
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:21

Unit 1 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, resynchronized

Unit 1 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, resynchronized
Provisional baccalaureate pass rate, autumn session: 32.5%
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:20

Provisional baccalaureate pass rate, autumn session: 32.5%

Provisional baccalaureate pass rate, autumn session: 32.5%
PSD proposes new salary and pension increases
News in English 31 August 2022, 19:18

PSD proposes new salary and pension increases

PSD proposes new salary and pension increases
"Seaside for all" - Prices lower than the peak of the season by 75%
News in English 30 August 2022, 19:15

"Seaside for all" - Prices lower than the peak of the season by 75%

"Seaside for all" - Prices lower than the peak of the season by 75%
Romania supports the restriction of access to the EU for Russian tourists
News in English 30 August 2022, 19:13

Romania supports the restriction of access to the EU for Russian tourists

Romania supports the restriction of access to the EU for Russian tourists
We lose annually a number of people similar to the population of Sibiu
News in English 30 August 2022, 19:12

We lose annually a number of people similar to the population of Sibiu

We lose annually a number of people similar to the population of Sibiu
Government introduces "energy reference price"
News in English 30 August 2022, 19:11

Government introduces "energy reference price"

Government introduces "energy reference price"
"Orient Express" returned to Bucharest after two years of pandemic
News in English 30 August 2022, 05:50

"Orient Express" returned to Bucharest after two years of pandemic

"Orient Express" returned to Bucharest after two years of pandemic
2% of Romanian students worked in 2021
News in English 30 August 2022, 05:49

2% of Romanian students worked in 2021

2% of Romanian students worked in 2021
The Forum of Romanian Students Everywhere, in its second edition
News in English 28 August 2022, 19:55

The Forum of Romanian Students Everywhere, in its second edition

The Forum of Romanian Students Everywhere, in its second edition
Austrians forced to pay allowances for the children of Romanian workers
News in English 28 August 2022, 19:53

Austrians forced to pay allowances for the children of Romanian workers

Austrians forced to pay allowances for the children of Romanian workers
The salaries of budgeters "increased on average by approximately 150 lei"
News in English 27 August 2022, 21:10

The salaries of budgeters "increased on average by approximately 150 lei"

The salaries of budgeters "increased on average by approximately 150 lei"
Medical clinic in Bucharest, criminally investigated for organ trafficking
News in English 27 August 2022, 21:09

Medical clinic in Bucharest, criminally investigated for organ trafficking

Medical clinic in Bucharest, criminally investigated for organ trafficking
The Mintia Thermal Power Plant was sold for 91 million euros
News in English 27 August 2022, 05:19

The Mintia Thermal Power Plant was sold for 91 million euros

The Mintia Thermal Power Plant was sold for 91 million euros
The management of TVR approved the participation in Eurovision 2023
News in English 27 August 2022, 05:17

The management of TVR approved the participation in Eurovision 2023

The management of TVR approved the participation in Eurovision 2023
Ukraine is grateful to Romania for the assistance given in the war
News in English 26 August 2022, 08:17

Ukraine is grateful to Romania for the assistance given in the war

Ukraine is grateful to Romania for the assistance given in the war
The "green" car market in Romania continues its advance
News in English 24 August 2022, 04:21

The "green" car market in Romania continues its advance

The "green" car market in Romania continues its advance
The government will increase the prizes for athletes
News in English 24 August 2022, 04:20

The government will increase the prizes for athletes

The government will increase the prizes for athletes
The history of communism "should become a mandatory subject in high school"
News in English 22 August 2022, 18:47

The history of communism "should become a mandatory subject in high school"

The history of communism "should become a mandatory subject in high school"
Covid Balance
News in English 22 August 2022, 18:45

Covid Balance

Covid Balance
Five major decisions in the field of education
News in English 19 August 2022, 22:04

Five major decisions in the field of education

Five major decisions in the field of education
A representative of the Russian embassy, declared persona non grata
News in English 19 August 2022, 22:02

A representative of the Russian embassy, declared persona non grata

A representative of the Russian embassy, declared persona non grata
Electric and hybrid cars were sold more than diesel cars
News in English 19 August 2022, 22:01

Electric and hybrid cars were sold more than diesel cars

Electric and hybrid cars were sold more than diesel cars
The "Seaside for all" program starts on August 28
News in English 19 August 2022, 21:59

The "Seaside for all" program starts on August 28

The "Seaside for all" program starts on August 28
The Fiscal Council criticizes the budgetary rectification
News in English 18 August 2022, 15:50

The Fiscal Council criticizes the budgetary rectification

The Fiscal Council criticizes the budgetary rectification
5.485 new cases of Covid
News in English 18 August 2022, 15:49

5.485 new cases of Covid

5.485 new cases of Covid
Microsatellite created by Romanian high school students
News in English 18 August 2022, 00:44

Microsatellite created by Romanian high school students

Microsatellite created by Romanian high school students
6.400 Ukrainian citizens, integrated in the Romanian labor market
News in English 18 August 2022, 00:43

6.400 Ukrainian citizens, integrated in the Romanian labor market

6.400 Ukrainian citizens, integrated in the Romanian labor market
Messages on the occasion of Navy Day
News in English 16 August 2022, 03:09

Messages on the occasion of Navy Day

Messages on the occasion of Navy Day
Vadu beach attracts more and more tourists
News in English 13 August 2022, 20:24

Vadu beach attracts more and more tourists

Vadu beach attracts more and more tourists
Mini vacation - 25.000 MIA employees mobilized at national level
News in English 13 August 2022, 20:23

Mini vacation - 25.000 MIA employees mobilized at national level

Mini vacation - 25.000 MIA employees mobilized at national level
Foreign direct investments increased by over 21%
News in English 12 August 2022, 18:22

Foreign direct investments increased by over 21%

Foreign direct investments increased by over 21%
5.710 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2
News in English 12 August 2022, 18:21

5.710 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2

5.710 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2
The newly appointed ambassador of the state of Israel in Romania
News in English 12 August 2022, 03:16

The newly appointed ambassador of the state of Israel in Romania

The newly appointed ambassador of the state of Israel in Romania
In Wednesday's meeting, the government analyzed the effects of the drought
News in English 10 August 2022, 16:41

In Wednesday's meeting, the government analyzed the effects of the drought

In Wednesday's meeting, the government analyzed the effects of the drought
7.313 new cases of COVID-19
News in English 10 August 2022, 16:39

7.313 new cases of COVID-19

7.313 new cases of COVID-19
European support for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources
News in English 08 August 2022, 19:16

European support for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources

European support for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources
Backward evolution of new Covid cases, according to statistics
News in English 08 August 2022, 19:14

Backward evolution of new Covid cases, according to statistics

Backward evolution of new Covid cases, according to statistics
Compensation for airline customers
News in English 07 August 2022, 18:58

Compensation for airline customers

Compensation for airline customers
Almost 4.000 patients, admitted to hospitals in the country #COVID
News in English 07 August 2022, 18:57

Almost 4.000 patients, admitted to hospitals in the country #COVID

Almost 4.000 patients, admitted to hospitals in the country #COVID
Klaus Iohannis cheamă la consultări partidele pentru desemnarea premierului
Politică 21 Decembrie 2024, 15:21

Klaus Iohannis cheamă la consultări partidele pentru desemnarea premierului

Administrația Prezidențială precizează că seria de întâlniri de la Palatul Cotroceni începe duminică, de la ora 12:00.

Klaus Iohannis cheamă la consultări partidele pentru desemnarea premierului

Ultima oră

Senatul și Camera Deputaților au validat mandatele noilor parlamentari

Senatul și Camera Deputaților au validat mandatele noilor parlamentari

Handbal. Remiză în cele două amicale susținute de naționala masculină de tineret

Handbal. Remiză în cele două amicale susținute de naționala masculină de tineret

Răzvan Burleanu, așteptăm decizia TAS în cazul sancțiunii primite de la UEFA

Răzvan Burleanu, așteptăm decizia TAS în cazul sancțiunii primite de la UEFA

Jurnaliștii francofoni condamnă derapajele grave la adresa jurnaliștilor de către reprezentanții AUR și SOS România

Jurnaliștii francofoni condamnă derapajele grave la adresa jurnaliștilor de către reprezentanții AUR și SOS România

Klaus Iohannis cheamă la consultări partidele pentru desemnarea premierului

Klaus Iohannis cheamă la consultări partidele pentru desemnarea premierului

Unde mergem în weekend?

Unde mergem în weekend?
Mai multe...
FOTO: Ceremonii  în memoria eroilor care s-au jertfit pentru libertate în 21 decembrie 1989
România 21 Decembrie 2024, 13:45

FOTO: Ceremonii în memoria eroilor care s-au jertfit pentru libertate în 21 decembrie 1989

Sute de oameni au participat la slujba religioasă de la troița din Piața Universității, în memoria eroilor care s-au jertfit...

FOTO: Ceremonii în memoria eroilor care s-au jertfit pentru libertate în 21 decembrie 1989
Senatul și Camera Deputaților au validat mandatele noilor parlamentari
Politică 21 Decembrie 2024, 17:00

Senatul și Camera Deputaților au validat mandatele noilor parlamentari

Senatorii și deputații au adoptat cu unanimitate de voturi rapoartele comisiilor de validare a mandatelor celor 465 de...

Senatul și Camera Deputaților au validat mandatele noilor parlamentari
Ploi și ninsori în cea mai mare parte a țării
România 21 Decembrie 2024, 09:12

Ploi și ninsori în cea mai mare parte a țării

În Transilvania și Moldova vor fi precipitații mixte, la munte va ninge, iar în rest vor fi mai ales ploi.

Ploi și ninsori în cea mai mare parte a țării
Negocieri în vederea formării viitorului guvern, reluate la Palatul Parlamentului
România 21 Decembrie 2024, 13:49

Negocieri în vederea formării viitorului guvern, reluate la Palatul Parlamentului

Se știe că va fi o structură guvernamentală formată din 16 ministere, dintre care opt vor reveni PSD, cinci PNL și trei...

Negocieri în vederea formării viitorului guvern, reluate la Palatul Parlamentului
Unde mergem în weekend?
Life & Style 21 Decembrie 2024, 15:15

Unde mergem în weekend?

Recomandări de weekend de la corespondenții Radio România Actualități.

Unde mergem în weekend?