The government finalized the last budget rectification of this year, which will be positive and is based on an increase in...
Two fighter aircraft of the Romanian Air Force were urgently lifted from the ground yesterday afternoon to intercept and...
Sugar is in the top of the highest price increases recorded in the last year, with a 62% increase in October 2022 compared to...
People who have septic tanks in their households must have them registered at the town hall by November 26, warns the...
The European Commission's estimates regarding the substantial improvement of Romania's economic growth outlook from...
USR criticizes the new energy emergency ordinance and points out that the price regulation measure will definitely destroy...
"The opening of a new border crossing point with Ukraine attests to the relations and solidarity between the two...
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca assured that by mid-December the budget for next year will be approved in Parliament, reports...
The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Sorin Grindeanu, announced that the Executive approved on Wednesday, November...
The leaders of the governing coalition reached an agreement on the capping and compensation of electricity and natural gas...
Croatia and Romania are quite similar politically and nationally, according to the president of the Croatian Parliament,...
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS - Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca asked the ministers to find solutions in order to reach the targets...
Administrația Prezidențială precizează că seria de întâlniri de la Palatul Cotroceni începe duminică, de la ora 12:00.
Sute de oameni au participat la slujba religioasă de la troița din Piața Universității, în memoria eroilor care s-au jertfit...
Senatorii și deputații au adoptat cu unanimitate de voturi rapoartele comisiilor de validare a mandatelor celor 465 de...
În Transilvania și Moldova vor fi precipitații mixte, la munte va ninge, iar în rest vor fi mai ales ploi.
Se știe că va fi o structură guvernamentală formată din 16 ministere, dintre care opt vor reveni PSD, cinci PNL și trei...
Recomandări de weekend de la corespondenții Radio România Actualități.