Tarom, the first state company with private management
From the new management are Prunariu Dumitru, Dan Pascariu, Lucian Isar, Valentin Macec, Ciprian Ladunca, Marius Ghenea and the Austrian Heinrich Vystoupil.

Articol de Ciprian Sasu, 14 Octombrie 2012, 13:46
The Ministry of Transport announced the new members of the Board of Directors of Tarom Company, the first state-owned company that has been selected for the so-called private management.
According to the announcement made today, from the new management is Dumitru Prunariu, the first Romanian cosmonaut, Dan Pascariu, economist with experience in banking, Lucian Isar, former Minister of Environment of Business, also with banking experience.
They were also selected the advisor for Transportation Minister, Valentin Macec, as well as also three other people with experience in business or management of companies: Ladunca Ciprian, Marius Ghenea and the Austrian Heinrich Vystoupil.
The Transport Minister, Ovidiu Silaghi, announced that from these will be elected the president of the managing director of the company.
"We have presented you the Board members. These will decide on the fate of the one who will lead the company," said Ovidiu Silaghi.
Private management, "solution to the problems of state companies"
In early September, Prime Minister Victor Ponta said that Tarom will probably be the first state company that will have private manager, probably even a stranger one.
As regards the privatization of 20 percent of Tarom, previously announced by the Minister of Transport and criticized by unions in the company, Ovidiu Silaghi revealed today that it will depend on the new leadership.
"There are some technical issues which must be respected. After having registered at the Trade Register Office, we will sign a mandate contract and the selling or non-selling strategy of 20 percent or more from the stake package of Tarom belongs to them", said Ovidiu Silaghi.
The private management emerged last year as a solution to the problems of state companies.
The choice of such leadership is provided within the agreement with the IMF and would be supposed to be applied also to companies as CFR, Metrorex, the National Highways Company, Maritime Ports Administration Constanta, the Maritime Ports Administration or Timisoara airport.
Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University