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MEPs adopt agreement on military cooperation between Romania and Moldova

MEPs adopt agreement on military cooperation between Romania and Moldova

Articol de Radio Chișinău, 17 Septembrie 2024, 19:02

The Chamber of Deputies has adopted the draft legislation on the cooperation agreement between Romania and the Republic of Moldova in the military field.

According to the document, the two countries will support each other in all aspects of preparation and participation in multinational missions and operations under the aegis of the UN, OSCE, NATO or the EU.

Liberals fully support the European course of the Republic of Moldova, said MEP Daniel Gheorghe. He added that the agreement is a step towards Moldova's standardization with the North Atlantic area.

Daniel Gheorghe: The Republic of Moldova must make a strategic choice and it is very important to give up this neutrality which keeps it captive in the former Soviet space and which is in reality one of Moscow's pressure arguments.

AUR MEP Mircea Chelaru said that the document increases the degree of interoperability of the armies of the two states.

Mircea Chelaru: The draft protocol is a decisive step by integrating the force structures of the Republic of Moldova into the structures operating at the level of the European Union, including NATO.

The ratification agreement comes in the context in which the Republic of Moldova is preparing to participate with soldiers in the European Union operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, EUFOR, Althea, as part of the Romanian contingent.

The MEPs also adopted the ratification of the agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on military and technical cooperation.

Both legislative acts will be forwarded to the Senate for a decision vote.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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