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"Hercuthlon" competition in Baile Herculane

"Hercuthlon" competition in Baile Herculane
Foto: De la Palickap - Operă proprie, CC BY-SA 4.0,,_Pia%C5%A3a_Hercules.jpg

Articol de Radio Reşiţa, 27 Septembrie 2024, 16:06

The resort of Baile Herculane is getting ready for a new sports celebration. This weekend, a new edition of the spectacular Hercuthlon competition - a contest for athletes with outstanding physical qualities - will take place here.

The competition, inspired by the story of the 12 labors of Hercules, will take place in the very square dominated by the statue of the legendary mythological hero.

"On Saturday, September 28, all sports lovers are invited to watch the second edition of the Hercuthlon competition. The event will start at 10 am, when the trainings will take place and the competition preparation will begin. The competition will last until around 6 p.m., when the awards ceremony will take place. Hercuthlon is a unique competition, a complex sports competition with different events combining different sports. It is a competition dedicated to strong people, including people with a strong character, who are ready to compete in Baile Herculane. The events are kept as a surprise for the competitors, so that they only find out about them shortly before the competition. This is because the element of surprise is also one of the difficulties of this competition. This year, the organizers have promised new challenges and a repeat of some of the old ones, but we won't find out what these will be until the day of the contest. There are 28 teams entered in the competition - mixed teams, consisting of one male and one female athlete. Team unity is very important in winning the competition. We are bringing strong people like Hercules here, to the place where Hercules was and remains a legend. It is an event through which we can positively promote the resort of Baile Herculane", explained Dan Buru, a referent at the Baile Herculane City Hall.

The main organizer of this year's Hercuthlon is the Sports Club Sport n'Joy Association from Timis County.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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