European Robotics Forum: Bucharest, 20-22 March 2019
Over 600 exhibitors from Europe, the United States and Asia.

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 20 Martie 2019, 15:52
Bucharest hosts for the first time the European Robotics Forum (20-22 March 2019), where over 600 exhibitors from Europe, the United States and Asia are to attend. 800 robotics and new technologies top experts are coming to Bucharest for the most influential meeting of the robotics and artificial intelligence community in Europe.
Ana Maria Stancu, President of eCivic Association, organizer of the event in Bucharest: "There are experts from all over Europe, who will present what they have been working over the past year, what new inventions they have; we have humanoid robots. Those from ABB, for example, brought the YuMi robot, which has two arms and the two arms play chess against each other. We have a drone that can lift a man. We also have a disinfection robot for the hospitals, which works with UV light and can do its own course so it can disinfect without the help of any human. So, practically, the good part of this robot is that it no longer depends on a human, there is no way to get water in substance or something, because the robot says exactly where it was and how it worked".
Host: Romania is present with several companies in the field, including: Bucharest Robots - the first humanoid and service robots company in the country and the National Aerospace Research and Development Institute.
According to latest reports on world's robotics industry, the humanoid robot market will grow from currently $ 320 million up to nearly four billion, by 2023.
By hosting for the first time the European Forum, Romania states one more time its interest in developping the high potential that we held in technologies and innovation field, by taking an active role in the future of an European Union that will put innovation first. The European Robotics Forum 2019 is organised by euRobotics under SPARC, the Public-Private partnership for Robotics in Europe and hosted by E-Civis Association.
Event is held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania and under the Patronage of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Full information about the event and the agenda are available on the website
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei