Romanian Minister-Delegate for European Affairs, George Ciamba, will chair the EU General Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg.
New rules will apply from 1 January 2020.
These meetings are organized on a half-yearly basis by EU Member State holding the Presidency of the Council of the European...
On Agenda: Investment priorities of Cohesion Policy during programming period 2021-2027.
Setting of a Multilateral Investment Court is being discussed in Brussels in EU Council where Romania currently holds the...
Debates on 11 April will focus on elaborating a strategy to ensure gender equality.
Royal House of Great Britain decorated three people, on Friday, 5 April, including a Romanian, for their courage during...
Brexit puts pressure on consular staff in UK.
Romania has a very well-established plan to switch to Euro, and goal remains clear for 2024.
Romania is on United States list of potential customer for F-35 fighter jet.
General Nicolae Ciucă has returned, on Friday, April 5, at command of Romanian Defense Staff.
Headquarters of Romanian Ministry of National Defense will be opened to the public.
Purpose of VW19 exercise is joint training to provide multinational medical support in NATO operations.
President Iohannis announces themes for May 26 referendum on Justice.
On Agenda: B9 contribution to NATO 360-degree approach, B9 support for EU's Global Foreign and Security Policy Strategy,...
Trif: Integration of new technologies and enhancing environmental protection efforts are essential for the development of...
Romanian and Montenegrin Prime Ministers have discussed bilateral cooperation, NATO and Romania’s support for Montenegro on...
Soldiers handed over their mission to 205th “General Gheorghe Parvulescu” Battalion of Craiova.
European Commission today warned Romania to go back on track to a fair reform process and refrain from any measures that...
16.00: Joint Declaration by Commissioner Moedas and Romanian Minister for Research, Nicolae Hurduc.
US Air Force B-52 strategic bomber conducted training in Romania's airspace.
Participating countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, the Netherlands, Turkey.
Talks between NATO Foreign Ministers will take place in Washington on 3-4 April.
Meeting starts on April 2nd with a visit to High Power Laser System of Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics Center...
Directive is one of the two files of Company Law Package introduced as part of Commission’s Single Market Strategy.
EU is working to improve protection of its external borders as part of its comprehensive approach to migration.
Event is organized under Romania’s EU Council Presidency.
Romanian Ministry of Energy organizes, on 2 April, in Bucharest, an Informal Meeting of EU Energy Ministers.
NATO Secretary General sent a congratulatory message for the 15th anniversary of Romania's accession to the North Atlantic...
NATO accession has been one of the most important foreign policy objectives of the Romanian state after 1989.
Agenda: MFF, Priorities of following institutional cycle, Capital Markets Union, Workforce mobility, Role of taxation in...
Next International Coffee Council meeting will be held from 23-27 September 2019 in London, UK.
EU introduces a new regulation imposing enhanced safety standards for car manufacturers in a bid to significantly reduce the...
Member States will have 24 months from entry into force of the directive to transpose it into national law.
Several hundred Romanians protested on Saturday in the University Square in Bucharest, demanding Government resignation.
Romania’s government softened a tax on the financial assets of banks and eliminated provisions that threatened the...
President of Romania is still dissatisfied with the way the PSD governs and asks the Social Democrats to stop the constant...
Former Chief of Romanian National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruţa Kovesi has appealed measure of judiciary...
MEPs and EU Ministers have agreed on a higher target (37.5%) to reduce EU fleet-wide emissions for new cars by 2030.
Bucharest FM Heruvim production by Răzvan Ursuleanu and Mihnea Chelaru won the second prize in the short form category at the...
Commission estimates that Horizon Europe will increase EU's GDP and create up to 100 000 jobs in R&I activities for 2021- 2027.
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, is to attend a "Dialogue with Citizens" in...
Event was organized by Romanian Ministry of Defense (MApN) and the European Defense Agency (EDA).
European Union is shaping up its new financial tool to support investment and job creation.
With Council having adopted its position, Romania’s EU Council Presidency can start negotiations with the European Parliament.
It will now be down to EU Member States to approve European Parliament’s decision in the coming weeks.
Text adopted is Parliament’s position for negotiations with EU ministers on final wording of the rules.
Heather Rolfe, Immigration Expert at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) in London, offered an...
Agenda: Multimodality, Future of Mobility in the EU and Enhancing Connectivity and Cohesion through TEN-T Network.
Ambassador Mihalache: Romania and UK will monitor Brexit and make sure the rights of their citizens are defended.
Gabriel Leş:Security and stability in the Black Sea region is a constant concern of the North Atlantic Alliance.
Potrivit șefului statului, există premise ca în foarte scurt timp, în urma negocierilor, să se contureze o formațiune guvernamentală definitivă.
La monumentul din fața Sălii Radio, foști și actuali angajați ai Radiodifuziunii Române, cadre militare și reprezentanții...
Celebrul pictor și om de cultură, Sorin Dumitrescu, a murit duminică la vârsta de 78 de ani.
PSD și PNL au programate duminică ședințe separate pentru a valida propunerea de premier și lista de ministere.
Nouă cetățeni români care se aflau pe insula afectată de ciclon, preluaţi de o aeronavă aparținând Forțelor Aeriene Franceze.
Rudele eroilor Revoluției române: Uitând istoria negăm sacrificiul oamenilor acestora, negăm toate sacrificiile și toate...