2111 articole
Noul guvern din Serbia vrea sa introducă o impozitare suplimentară a celor mai înalţi oficiali de stat, de la preşedintele...
Militanţii pro-ruşi continuă să ocupe clădirile guvernamentale din mai multe oraşe din estul Ucrainei, sfidând termenul...
Preşedintele statului, Michelle Bachelet, a declarat că, după toate aparenţele, orasul Valparaiso se confruntă cu cele mai...
Dronele vor scana fundul oceanului în dreptul coastelor oraşului australian Perth şi vor căuta epava zborului MH370.
La alegerile parlamentare, partidul de guvernământ Fidesz a obţinut două treimi din mandate.
Ministerul de Externe al Ucrainei promite să prezinte date, care confirmă participarea serviciilor speciale ruse la...
Autorităţile din Gambia au emis o notificare companiilor de transport aerian care au zboruri către capitala Banjul să nu...
Olandezii spun că vor plăti câte 20.000 de euro rudelor musulmanilor bosniaci ucişi la Srebrenica în 1995 după ce trupele de...
Potrivit unei statistici a Ocolului Silvic Tobolsk, realizat în anul 2012, în pădurile din regiunea Tiumen erau 1.500 de...
Guvernul irakian a elaborat un proiect care va legaliza căsătoriile fetelor de numai nouă ani provenite din rândul...
Mesajul datat în anul 1913, găsit luna trecută de un pescar în largul coastelor Germaniei, a fost returnat nepoatei celui...
Coordonatorul operaţiunilor de căutare a avionului Malaysia Airlines a declarat că noile semnale detectate ar putea proveni...
Constructorul auto japonez Toyota recheamă 6,4 milioane de maşini la nivel mondial, incluzând 35.124 în Marea Britanie, din...
Partidul premierului Recep Tayyip Erdogan conduce în alegerile locale din Turcia conform rezultatelor parțiale, citate de BBC.
The United States will appoint an ambassador to Bucharest in 2014, believes the former American Ambassador to Romania, Mark...
Rador.ro vă invită sâmbătă, 8 martie, pe dumneavoastră, dragi domnişoare şi doamne, dar şi pe dumneavoastră, domnilor să...
New cabinet ministers have been sworn in a ceremony at the Cotroceni Palace.
Caporal Ionuţ Adrian Văduva discovered a hand-made bomb in an area were soldiers were expected to start their patrol mission.
Romanian Prime Victor Ponta appointed new ministers expected to replace representatives of the right-wing National Liberal...
Notices on environmental issues relate to failure to comply with European legislation in the case of landfills and the...
Four Romanian teens have won a prize offered by the European Commission at the best content online Competition.
Referendumul elveţian privind imigraţia, situaţia din Ucraina, dar şi unele aspecte ale actualităţii româneşti sunt între...
The European Commission has asked the United States to lift visas for Romania and other four European Union states, whose...
The Prime Minister Victor Ponta has explained that the limit will be set at 10,000 lei, while capping bank charges, so that...
Immigrants are entitled to a package of services which includes Romanian language courses, cultural orientation and counseling.
IMF mission is coming to Bucharest to discuss the first and second assessment of the precautionary agreement with Romania.
While on a visit to Israel, Romanian President Traian Băsescu met his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres on Monday.
Romania's Cultural Institute in the German capital Berlin will host a theatrical performance while a painting exhibition of...
La ceremonia funerară a lui Nelson Mandela, care va avea loc în cursul duminicii viitoare, vor participa aproximativ 60 de...
Romania's new ambassador to the United States, Iulian Buga, presented his credentials to President Barack Obama.
The Central and Eastern Europe - China summit ended with the adoption of "Bucharest guidelines".
Prices of both import and domestic gas were on the rise this quarter, the Romania's Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) said...
Un avion Boeing-737 s-a prăbuşit, duminică, în oraşul Kazan, din Rusia, în momentul aterizării. Potrivit oficialilor ruşi 50...
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta stopped short of answering an allegation launched by the country's President Traian...
Their protests are aimed at drawing government attention to the country's education system which is suffering from poor funds.
In urma exploziei de la o fabrica de artificii din provincia chineza Guangxi, "11 persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa şi alte 17 au...
Victor Ponta attended the unveiling ceremony of a plaque in memory of Romanian Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu. The ceremony...
The talks will be focused on issues concerning the long-awaited visa-free travels of Romanians wishing to visit the United...
Un avion de mici dimensiuni care transporta un grup de paraşutişti s-a prăbuşit în apropiere de oraşul belgian Namur....
Romanian gold miners in Romanian town of Roşia Montană ended their sit-in on Sunday after the country's PM Victor Ponta went...
Trade unionists announced further unrest as they were also legally authorised to continue their protests in the next 30 days.
A law on stray dog status was adopted in the lower house of Romania's Parliament on Tuesday two days after intensive talks...
The Declaration says that the international norm against the use of chemical weapons is universal and condemns the chemical...
On Sunday, thousands protested in Bucharest and other cities in Romania and abroad against the opening of the gold...
President Traian Basescu said that Romania's position regarding Syria should be cautious, but his country should act...
According to the National Agency for Employment, most are in the capital Bucharest and in Cluj, Iasi, Brasov, Timis, Arad,...
Afghanistan is undergoing a transition process, started in 2010, that will hopefully end in 2014, when the NATO forces are...
President Traian Basescu criticized again Laszlo Tokes because he asked Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, Protectorate...
Tens of thousands of Orthodox and Catholic Christians went on pilgrimiges to the monasteries having as titular saint the...
In Romania, the number of those without a job has reached 736 000 people, according to National Institute of Statistics.
The Romanian exports have increased significantly to areas outside the European Union since the economic downturn began.