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Transdniester - a frozen conflict
News in English 01 Octombrie 2014, 11:21

Transdniester - a frozen conflict

Pro-Russian breakaway Transdniester is once again on UN agenda.

Transdniester - a frozen conflict
Chisinau-Moscow Frictions
News in English 07 August 2014, 08:16

Chisinau-Moscow Frictions

Chisinau is looking for economic solutions, shifting focus on the EU and Romanian markets.

Chisinau-Moscow Frictions
New sanctions against Russia
News in English 31 Iulie 2014, 08:50

New sanctions against Russia

Fresh sanctions have been imposed by the European Union on Russia over its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.

New sanctions against Russia
The American cruiser USS Vella Gulf arrived in Constanta
News in English 05 Iunie 2014, 08:02

The American cruiser USS Vella Gulf arrived in Constanta

This is the fourth American warship which arrives in Romanian teritorial waters since the crisis in Ukraine began.

The American cruiser USS Vella Gulf arrived in Constanta
Mic tutorial pentru crearea unei capcane de coșmaruri
Life & Style 31 Mai 2014, 07:52

Mic tutorial pentru crearea unei capcane de coșmaruri

Pentru a face o capcană de coșmaruri trebuie mai întâi să ştim la ce este ea bună şi cum funcţionează. Roxana Tudor ne...

Mic tutorial pentru crearea unei capcane de coșmaruri
US Vice-president in Romania
News in English 22 Mai 2014, 09:39

US Vice-president in Romania

The US vice-president Joe Biden discussed regional security with senior politicians in Bucharest.

US Vice-president in Romania
Romania, the West and Transdniester
News in English 18 Aprilie 2014, 16:56

Romania, the West and Transdniester

Vladimir Putin’s statements on breakaway Transdniester trigger the reaction of Moldovan and Romanian officials.

Romania, the West and Transdniester
USA will appoint an ambassador to Bucharest in 2014
News in English 11 Martie 2014, 10:55

USA will appoint an ambassador to Bucharest in 2014

The United States will appoint an ambassador to Bucharest in 2014, believes the former American Ambassador to Romania, Mark...

USA will appoint an ambassador to Bucharest in 2014
Victoria Nuland met Romanian Foreign minister, Titus Corlatean
News in English 11 Ianuarie 2014, 19:11

Victoria Nuland met Romanian Foreign minister, Titus Corlatean

The US official is on a European tour devoted to discussions on bilateral and regional issues, which also includes the...

Victoria Nuland met Romanian Foreign minister, Titus Corlatean
Şcoală românească în Portland, SUA
Prietenii de la 10 09 Ianuarie 2014, 11:50

Şcoală românească în Portland, SUA

Comunitatea de români din statul Oregon face demersuri pentru înfiinţarea unei şcoli bilingve româno-americane în oraşul...

Şcoală românească în Portland, SUA
Dilemmas of Underground Resources
News in English 20 Octombrie 2013, 16:54

Dilemmas of Underground Resources

Fierce debates around Romania’s underground resources still hold the headlines, be they shale gas or gold exploitation using...

Dilemmas of Underground Resources
Acquisition of F 16, "straight in line"
News in English 22 Iulie 2013, 13:53

Acquisition of F 16, "straight in line"

Defence Minister, Mircea Dusa, states that, at the end of the month will start procedures to sign the intergovernmental...

Acquisition of F 16, "straight in line"
The Syrian crisis is being called "the New Cold War"
News in English 17 Iunie 2013, 10:27

The Syrian crisis is being called "the New Cold War"

The Syrian crisis is being called the New Cold War - Russia and the West locked in a struggle for supremacy using surrogate...

The Syrian crisis is being called "the New Cold War"
Government control body investigating contract with Bechtel
News in English 28 Mai 2013, 13:06

Government control body investigating contract with Bechtel

The Government's Control Body assesses the contract with the American company Bechtel.

Government control body investigating contract with Bechtel
Romania, criticized by  the U.S. State Department
News in English 23 Aprilie 2013, 10:52

Romania, criticized by the U.S. State Department

The State Department criticizes Romania, in the report on Human Rights-2012 for mistreatment and harassment by police and...

Romania, criticized by the U.S. State Department
Romania and the U.S., negotiations on social security
News in English 18 Martie 2013, 09:49

Romania and the U.S., negotiations on social security

Romanians overseas will be allowed as at their pension calculation to be taken into account also the seniority in the country.

Romania and the U.S., negotiations on social security
American offensive in the Romanian economy
News in English 14 Noiembrie 2012, 07:17

American offensive in the Romanian economy

U.S. should put more emphasis on economic relations with Romania, told exclusively for RRA the American- Romanian Business...

American offensive in the Romanian economy
Russia demands defence safeguards
News in English 15 Septembrie 2011, 10:43

Russia demands defence safeguards

The Russian Foreign Minister has recently made a statement underlining that some efficient and specific decisions regarding...

Russia demands defence safeguards
Traian Băsescu met with Barack Obama
News in English 14 Septembrie 2011, 11:33

Traian Băsescu met with Barack Obama

A Romanian delegation headed by President Traian Băsescu is in the US for a short work visit. President Băsescu was received...

Traian Băsescu met with Barack Obama
Russia demands guarantees on anti-missile shield
News in English 06 Mai 2011, 09:23

Russia demands guarantees on anti-missile shield

The leader of the Russian Headquarters , General Nikolai Makarov demanded guarantees from the USA that the US shield in...

Russia demands guarantees on anti-missile shield
2011: "A year of substantial economic risks"
News in English 04 Ianuarie 2011, 11:02

2011: "A year of substantial economic risks"

Economists consider that economic power is shifting from the West to the East and this will result in global economic changes...

2011: "A year of substantial economic risks"
Barack Obama ends his Asia tour
News in English 16 Noiembrie 2010, 09:45

Barack Obama ends his Asia tour

During his tour, American President Barack Obama succeeded in raising the U.S. profile in Asia, but failed in boosting the...

Barack Obama ends his Asia tour
Afganistanul "are nevoie de o soluţie politică"
În lume 29 Iunie 2010, 08:00

Afganistanul "are nevoie de o soluţie politică"

Preşedintele SUA Barack Obama a afirmat la finalul Sumitului G20 că este prea devreme pentru a evalua demersurile de a media...

Afganistanul "are nevoie de o soluţie politică"
Câinele Bo, în declaraţia de avere a familiei Obama
În lume 18 Mai 2010, 17:26

Câinele Bo, în declaraţia de avere a familiei Obama

În declaraţia de avere a preşedintelui american figurează alături de două milioane de dolari, din drepturi de autor şi...

Câinele Bo, în declaraţia de avere a familiei Obama
Nicolas Chartier, interzis la OSCAR
Cultură 03 Martie 2010, 07:50

Nicolas Chartier, interzis la OSCAR

Coproducătorul filmului "The Hurt Locker", nu va putea participa la ceremonia din acest an din cauza unor e-mailuri trimise...

Nicolas Chartier, interzis la OSCAR
În SUA, "previziuni optimiste" privind creşterea economiei
În lume 25 Februarie 2010, 14:15

În SUA, "previziuni optimiste" privind creşterea economiei

Şeful Rezervei Federale din Statele Unite, Ben Bernanke, a prezentat evaluarea bianuală privind starea economiei.

În SUA, "previziuni optimiste" privind creşterea economiei
Barack Obama: "China, o naţiune de succes"
În lume 16 Noiembrie 2009, 15:02

Barack Obama: "China, o naţiune de succes"

Preşedintele SUA şi liderii comunişti ai Chinei discută despre contextul economic global.

Barack Obama: "China, o naţiune de succes"
Obama, lobby pentru Chicago
Sport 01 Octombrie 2009, 10:34

Obama, lobby pentru Chicago

Barack Obama susţine personal candidatura oraşului Chicago pentru organizarea Jocurilor Olimpice de Vară din 2016.

Obama, lobby pentru Chicago
Edward Kennedy a murit
În lume 26 August 2009, 15:01

Edward Kennedy a murit

Unul dintre cei mai influenţi senatori americani a încetat din viaţă la vârsta de 77 de ani.

Edward Kennedy a murit
Americanii trec pe bere
Life & Style 17 August 2009, 17:24

Americanii trec pe bere

Unul dintre efectele crizei economice este că americanii renunţă la vin în favoarea mărcilor locale de bere.

Americanii trec pe bere