Au fost gasite 169 articole pentru eu
O astfel de variantă va ameninţa milioane de locuri de muncă şi ar putea să provoace pagube de miliarde de dolari.
Principalele ţări europene l-au recunoscut pe Juan Guaido drept preşedinte interimar al Venezuelei după ce preşedintele în...
Comisia Europeană pledează pentru modernizarea și simplificarea politicii agricole comune.
UE şi Ucraina au semnat un acord financiar pentru reforma administraţiei publice în valoare de 104 milioane de euro.
Preşedintele Comisiei Europene prezintă în Parlamentul European bilanţul despre situaţia Uniunii Europene şi va treace în...
Am dorit să aflăm care este politica Uniunii Europene în domeniu. Doamna Norica Nicolai, europarlamentar, ne oferă informaţii.
The Black Sea region proves crucial in the current geopolitical context, both in terms of regional security and for the...
Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, alongside heads of state and government, is today attending in Brussels a mini-summit...
Eradicating poverty, assuring sustainable development and observing gender equality have been some of the issues approached...
Romania pleaded in Brussels for voluntary refugee quotas.
Romania is one of the EU countries with the biggest economic growth rate in the second quarter of 2015 as against the same...
The huge number of refugees from the war-torn areas in the Middle East and Africa who are taking Europe by storm is a matter...
The World Bank has this week upgraded its economic growth forecast for Romania in 2015.
Romania still has a great deal of work ahead before joining the Eurozone.
The Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday passed the new Forestry Code.
Representatives of 17 counties in Central and South-East Europe convened in Bucharest to discuss cyber security issues.
Canada has decided to ease requirements for the Romanian citizens traveling to that country.
The anniversary of Romania’s NATO membership occasioned high-level comments on the relationship with the international...
The Republic of Moldova wants its achievements to be recognized also through a reformed Neighbourhood Policy and a renewed...
European Union leaders, including Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis, have met in Brussels to discuss the crisis in Ukraine,...
Foreign ministers from 21 countries have been meeting in London to discuss ways to co-ordinate efforts to combat the jihadist...
Twenty-five years ago, people in Timisoara took to the streets in protest at the eviction of the Hungarian reformed priest,...
The ratification of the Republic of Moldova’s Association Agreement with the European Union is seen as a historic event in...
The partnership based on the Romanian-German exchange of experience will be supported with funds from the European Union.
Pro-Russian breakaway Transdniester is once again on UN agenda.
Romanian authorities have made a call-for-applications for projects financed with EU funds.
The annual meeting of Romanian diplomats is being attended by foreign guests such as the EU foreign policy chief, Catherine...
On August 27 Moldova celebrates 23 years since it proclaimed its independence from the former USSR.
A follow up of Russia’s assault on Ukraine, the trade war between Moscow and the Western countries continues with measures...
Romania has one of the best performances in Europe in terms of industrial output, but also rather poor FDI.
Chisinau is looking for economic solutions, shifting focus on the EU and Romanian markets.
Fresh sanctions have been imposed by the European Union on Russia over its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.
Romanian President Traian Basescu calls on EU to impose harsher sanctions on Russia.
Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean said that the portfolio of agriculture is a portofolio with significant economic...
Last month, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine made further steps towards the European Union.
Some 38% of Romanians have an open attitude towards immigration while 54% expressed no opinion on foreigners coming to Romania.
Romania’s gross domestic product grew by 3.8% in the first quarter of 2014 as compared to the EU’s average increase of 1.4%,...
Bucharest authorities say this year Romania will report an economic growth higher than the original estimates.
Romania clearly opposes any move aimed at undermining the integrity and sovereignty of neighbouring Ukraine. Its stance at EU...
Celebrated since 1964 on May 9, Europe Day marks for Romanians two other important historical landmarks.
The European Commission has this week made public the findings of the latest flash Eurobarometer survey on employees' views...
Vladimir Putin’s statements on breakaway Transdniester trigger the reaction of Moldovan and Romanian officials.
Romania used 15 billion Euros from the European funds allocated for the 2007-2013 period.
In the fight against high-level corruption, the Romanian justice system finally gives the impression that no one is above the...
Moldovan citizens who own biometric passports will no longer require a visa to travel in the Schengen Area as of April 28.
The EU and US decided to impose new sanctions on Russia following the events in Crimea.
According to President Traian Basescu, Romania fully supports Ukraine’s independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty.
The regime change in Kiev puts an end to 3 months of street protests that killed more than 80 and wounded hundreds.