World Down Syndrome Day

Articol de Radiojurnal, 21 Martie 2023, 18:52
It's World Down Syndrome Day, a chromosomal genetic disease. The World Health Organization points out that the syndrome occurs in every 1000 cases worldwide.
Studies have shown that if a mother gives birth to a child diagnosed with Down Syndrome, the chances of the second child having the same condition is less than 1% in the next pregnancy.
A world day that aims to raise awareness of the problems faced by patients with Down Syndrome is extremely useful, says the director of programs at Special Olympics Romania, Emilia Ispas.
Emilia Ispas: It is very important for us to mark the International Down Syndrome Day, because in this way we draw attention to the extraordinary abilities that these people have. They can be real friends, they can be our future colleagues or our children's schoolmates. There are young people who fight every day to show people how valuable they are and how many things they can do. So, I don't think we can ignore this day, especially since we celebrate it in such a colorful and funny way, wearing mismatched socks, just to show people that even with Down Syndrome you can live beautifully as long as we, people without disabilities, realize this.
Down syndrome is not curable, and the severity of this condition differs from case to case, it can be mild, moderate or severe.
Translated by: Radu Matei