Winners of Radio Romania’s project "Radio Fiction Desk - 2017"
Winners of the "Radio Fiction Desk - 2017" competition – National Radio Theater Shows in High Schools, organized by Radio Romania, have been awarded on Tuesday at the National Romanian Art Center "Tinerimea Română" (The Romanian Youth).

Articol de Angela Cerven, 17 Ianuarie 2018, 11:35
Winners of the "Radio Fiction Desk - 2017" competition – National Radio Theater Shows in High Schools, organized by Radio Romania, have been awarded on Tuesday at the National Romanian Art Center "Tinerimea Română" (The Romanian Youth).
Student actors participated in workshops and rehearsals with professional actors and specialists from the National Radio Theater. They have also prepared themselves to record theater plays in Radio Romania's "Mihai Zirra" Studio.
Performances received notes from those who listened to them on the website and from a specialized jury that included famous Romanian actors Maia Morgenstern, Mihai Mălaimare, Florin Zamfirescu and Vasile Muraru – who also took part in the workshops that took place in the Colleges’ premises. The President of the jury was the Director of the Cultural Media Center, Editor-in-Chief of the National Radiophonic Theater, artistic director Atila Vizauer.
• Ist Prize – National College “Ion Neculce” Bucharest – for the show “The Baccalaureate is not the end of the world”;
• IInd Prize – National College “Cantemir Vodă”, for “The strange role of coincidence”;
• IIIrd Prize and the Popularity Prize – National College “”Gheorghe Şincai” Bucharest for the show “The star with no name”;
• “Central School Bucharest” – “The Bet”.
Partner in the 3rd edition of this project have been Bucharest’s School Inspectorate and the Bucharest General City Hall.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei