Weekend restrictions have been removed in Cluj-Napoca

30 Aprilie 2021, 02:28
The incidence rate of new COVID cases has decreased in Cluj-Napoca. Thus, the weekend restrictions were removed. In the city, the restaurants could reopen towards the end of the week, but at a reduced capacity.
Reporter: The restaurants in Cluj-Napoca are preparing to reopen inside, says the prefect István-Szilárd Tasnádi.
István-Szilárd Tasnádi: People were practically aware of the danger and treated the issue and complied with all measures more responsibly. Restaurants in the city, if the incidence drops below 3 per thousand inhabitants, will operate indoors at 30% of their capacity.
Reporter: The good pace of vaccination was also important in reducing the incidence rate of coronavirus infections. Unofficially, the threshold of 250.000 vaccinations has already been exceeded, because thousands of Cluj residents have been vaccinated in the surrounding counties.
Translated by: Radu Matei