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US Ambassador Klemm at the International Conference on Nuclear Photonics

Researchers from all over the world are gathering in Braşov on 24-29 June to participate in the International Conference on Nuclear Photonics.

US Ambassador Klemm at the International Conference on Nuclear Photonics

Articol de Radiojurnal, 25 Iunie 2018, 14:43

Researchers from all over the world are gathering in Braşov on 24-29 June to participate in the International Conference on Nuclear Photonics.

Romania was chosen to host the second edition of the event due to the fact that it hosts the world's most powerful laser, scheduled to start working from next year on.

Thanks this project, Romania’s image can be improved, US Ambassador Hans Klemm said to RRA Reporter Andreea Marin.

Hans Klemm: I think this ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics, n.a.) project is incredible. I mean, it is at the frontier of science and it is developing here in Romania. The Romanians should be very proud that this is happening in Măgurele. With regard to research funding, I think the issue is a challenge for all countries. In the US, we still invest a lot in the labs and the university system. I really do not know how much money has been invested here, but a lot more money should be allocated for the research.

RRA Reporter: Do you think this ELI-NP project can improve Romania's image?

Hans Klemm: Oh, undoubtedly. Besides, I also think that this week of conferences in Braşov, where scientists come from all over the world, is another sign of Romania's real potential.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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