Trains from Bucharest to Sofia, Istanbul and Thessaloniki: June-October
Trains connecting Bucharest to Sofia, Istanbul and Thessaloniki are available as of 7 June until 7 October this year.
Articol de Radiojurnal, 10 Iunie 2019, 13:39
Trains connecting Bucharest to Sofia, Istanbul and Thessaloniki are available as of 7 June until 7 October this year, Romanian railway operator CFR Călători announced.
RRA Reporter Alexandru Lancuzov: Train to Greece will run once a week, leaving Bucharest on Friday and returning from Thessaloniki on Sundays (around 17 hours travel). Trains to Sofia and Istanbul will run daily (9 hours travel to Sofia, 20 hours to Istanbul). For all three routes, there is a two-hour detour through Videle, because Bucharest-Giurgiu direct route is closed since 2005.
Interested passengers can book tickets at the CFR Călători train stations and agencies dealing with international traffic.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei