Topics on the agenda of the new parliamentary session

Articol de Iulia Gherman, 22 Ianuarie 2023, 22:40
The drafts of the new education laws are currently under the attention of experts appointed by the ruling parties to receive a final form, so that, as the coalition leaders decided, they will be adopted by the Executive by February 15, and by the Parliament no later than March 15. However, several social democrats, students, teachers and parents have criticized the documents promoted by the Ministry of Education in recent days. The complaints concern, among other things, the elimination of free transportation for schoolchildren, but also the work options that appeared in the public space regarding admission to high school and the mandatory tests for the baccalaureate.
Another bill that will enter the debate of the senators and deputies concerns special pensions. In the form adopted by the Government, the document provides that no service pension will exceed the salary received during the active period. Also, increments and premiums are removed from the pension calculation, and the possibility of early retirement is gradually reduced. Other legislative changes could be included on the agenda of the Parliament after the completion of the rotation of prime ministers, scheduled for May. PSD, which will take over the leadership at the Victoria Palace, has announced that it wants to reduce employee contributions and increase capital taxation. On the other hand, performance overcharging in business is not supported by PNL.
Translated by: Radu Matei