The prices of natural gas will be higher
The domestic customers pay 5 per cent more and the industrial customers 10 per cent more for natural gas.
Articol de Florin Matei, 20 Septembrie 2012, 11:32
ANRE claims that the price rises is caused by the fact that the money from 2009 weren’t recovered.
Starting today, the natural gas prices will be raised with 5 per cent for domestic customers
and with 10 per cent for industrial customers.
The president of the National Agency for Energy Regulation, Niculae Havrileţ claims
that the price rises are due to the fact that the money from 2009 weren’t recovered.
"Regarding the prices of natural gases, they will be raised starting the 15th of September,
with 5 per cent for domestic customers and 10 per cent for industrial customers."
"This price rise comes because the traders didn’t get their money back from 2009", stated Niculae Havrileţ for Agerpres.
According to the electric and natural gas utility law, which was authorized on the 10th of July, 2012, the calendar for gradually eliminating the preset prices on the electrical power market for final customers has begun since the 1st of September 2012 for non-domestic clients and will begin since 1st of July 2013 for domestic clients.
The deadlines for providing electrical power in an established regime will be met until the 31st of December 2013 for non-domestic clients, respectively until the 31st of December 2017 for domestic clients, writes Agerpres.
For the natural gas market, the calendar for gradually eliminating the preset prices for final clients starts on the 1st of December 2012 for non-domestic clients and on the 1st of July 2013 for domestic clients.
At the end of the last mission of the International Monetary Fund, the head of the commission, Eik de Vrijer, stated that the natural gas price has to be raised with 5% before the second half of September 2012 for the domestic clients and with 10% for the industrial clients.
"The energetic branch should be very profitable and should be the foundation for health investments, infrastructure etc. Unfortunately, throughout the state owned companies, this is not the case.
"It’s important that the final prices are aligned to the final consumers. We agreed with the Government to raise the price for domestic and industrial consumers with 5 per cent , respectively 10 per cent , before the second half of September", stated Erik de Vrijer.
Translated by
Alexandru-Ioan Neagoe