The PNL leadership unanimously decided that the presidential elections should be held in November

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 01 Iulie 2024, 18:38
During a meeting held in parallel with the discussions at the Victoria Palace, the PNL leadership unanimously decided that the presidential elections should be held in November.
Party President Nicolae Ciuca: "We had the opportunity to meet with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who asked us to take into account the relevance of the office of president in our country and all that means the need for debate and, of course, this need to make sure that the pre-campaign does not take place in July or the campaign is held in August, when we all know that it is a holiday period and in this way, unanimously, all members of the National Political Bureau agreed that we continue to support holding the presidential elections on the term."
The Liberal leader also said that PNL remains a responsible party, which will continue to ensure Romania's government.
Translated by: Radu Matei