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The "Photovoltaic Green House" budget for the North-West region was exhausted in two minutes

The "Photovoltaic Green House" budget for the North-West region was exhausted in two minutes
Foto: (AFM).

Articol de Radiojurnal, 27 Septembrie 2024, 16:07

The budget of more than 274 million lei of the Photovoltaic Green House Program for the North-West Development Region was exhausted in just two minutes.

This is the first phase of the program which targeted the inhabitants of the counties of Bihor, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj, Salaj, Satu Mare and Maramures.

The same temporary benchmark of 10 a.m. remains valid on Monday, September 30, when the session dedicated to the Centre region is scheduled, and then for the following 6 working days for the rest of the development regions.

This year, the Environmental Fund Administration has allocated a record total budget of two billion lei, money that will help another 67 thousand households to have reduced bills for green electricity.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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