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The path of Heroes - The path of completion

The Monumental Ensemble "The Heroes" at Târgu-Jiu will become the objective of the UNESCO World Heritage site, starting 2014.

The path of Heroes - The path of completion
Kiss-Gate made by Constantin Brancusi.

Articol de Mihaela Helmis, Titus Stoichiţoiu, 17 Iunie 2013, 09:00

On the path of heroes, stay firmly placed in Târgu Jiu- embracing the entire locality – The old men table, The Chairs, the tormenting Kiss Gate, the Church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and, the endless Column!

In order not to forget why we send the kids on the trip to Târgu Jiu in order to face the energies to assemble finally for including Brâncuşian assembly among the UNESCO World Heritage sites-we invite you to follow us on a journey in Romania Actualitati Radio documentary, The Path of heroes -The path of completion.

Listen to the documentary with Ashley Doyle-Gad, daughter of the engineer he worked with Brancusi at the ascension of the Endless Column , arch. Sergiu Nistor , general manager . of the National Heritage Institute, a few local residents and specialists in Târgu Jiu.

The Monumental Ensemble "The Heroes" at Târgu-Jiu will become the objective of the UNESCO World Heritage site, starting 2014.

The National Heritage Institute (INP), the main institution dealing with the management of the documentation, in order to obtain work in UNESCO's World Heritage List, argues that elaboration of the dossier for inclusion of the Monumental Ensemble The Path of Heroes from Târgu-Jiu, Constantin Brancusi's work in the World Heritage list, began three months ago and it will be concluded in 2014.

A group made up of architects/planners, art historians and archaeologists of the INP, with the Ministry of culture and the local authorities in Gorj will undertake in the coming months and shares complex procedures for the dossier to be complete when they arrive at UNESCO for declaring o f Heroes Path – an objective of the world heritage.

The modern art ensemble at Tirgu-Jiu is a masterpiece of human creative genius, due to one of the leading promoters of modern art.

The ensemble performed in Romania is the only work of monumental art of momentum created by Constantin Brancusi who was at the time of conception (1935-1936) a world recognition.

The entire monumental ensemble is a tribute to fallen heroes during World War I.

All components are located along the traffic artery ' Heroes Way ", with a length of 1.5 km, with a general East-West orientation.

Brâncuşi was called in 1935 by the Prime Minister's wife, at the National League of women in designer sunglasses, to build a memorial in memory of the fallen heroes from Gorj during World War I, was to pick up only one column of 16 modules.

Later, Brancusi added a monumental gate and then a mass and a group of chairs made of travertine Bampotoc.

Though made afterwards and without stylistic analogies with the column, the parts are in a symbolic relationship with the latter, they constitute a coherent symbolic.

Between the theme receipt and the inauguration of the monument is an interval of three years, in which Brancusi designed and even executed personal parts of the Assembly, in parallel with the design of a temple in India for the Maharaja of Indore.

The Kiss Gate was inaugurated on 7 November 1937, with the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and the Column on 27 October 1938, when it was opened and consecrated the whole, immediately after the consecration of the commemorative monument of Mărăşeşti.

Currently, all conducted by Constantin Brâncuşi is rehabilitated by the restoration work of the Assembly and component objects through the works of their value within the site.

The works started in 1995 have lasted 10 years, being a work of restoration which has performed extensive proportions special investment on the part of governmental funds and through a loan from the World Bank.

Assembly components

The Silence Table is located in the public garden near the banks of the river Jiu. It is made of stone (limestone of Bampotoc) and is surrounded by 12 chairs of stone round (hourglass-shaped). Year of establishment: 1938.

The Chairs Alley-24 chairs made of stone (hourglass-shaped) arranged on one side and the other on the waterfront in groups of three, are connected between the Silence Table and the Kiss Gate Table located to the East, at the park entrance. Year of completion: 1937-1938.

Kiss-Gate is a large portal made of travertine. Decorative motif is the "Kiss". Year of completion: 1937-1938.

Column-located in the park of the same name is generally considered to be the most important component of the Assembly. It is formed of a suite of modules of cast iron (16 modules with 180x90x45 cm. each and two with the total height semi module 29 m.) Year of completion: 1937-1938.

Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura

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