The nominations of the Xth edition of the RRA Musical Awards
The România Actualităţi Award Gala Music 2012 will take place Monday, March the 26th at the National Theatre of Opera “Ion Dacian” from Bucharest.

Articol de Gabriela Scraba, 06 Martie 2012, 16:08
1. THE BEST POP DANCE ALBUM: "Change the world" (Play & Win/Roton); "Dance or die trying" (Simplu/MediaPro Music); "Saxobeats" (Alexandra Stan/MediaPro Music).
"Telephone" (Andra); "Mi-e dor" (DJProject); "Get back" (Alexandra Stan); "Convict(Simplu);
"I need you more" (Crush & Alexandra Ungureanu); "Tot mai sus" (Guess Who).
3. THE BEST POP DANCE ARTIST: Alexandra Stan; DJ Project; Play & Win; Simplu.
4. THE BEST POP ALBUM: "Aruncă-mi o privire" (Pepe/Media Pro Music); "Nu te mai am" (Marcel Pavel/Ovo Music); "Un altfel de portret" (Oana Sarbu/Virgil Popescu).
5. THE BEST POP SONG: "Aruncă-mi o privire" (Pepe); "Ciao, amore, come stai?" (Andreea Olariu/Marcel Dragomir/Eugen Dumitru); "Mai dă-mi o şansa" (Nicoleta Matei, Laurentiu Matei/Monica Mândrescu); "Priveşte cerul" (Angela Similea/Ovidiu Komornyik);
"Strada fără nume" (Laurenţiu Duţă).
6. THE BEST MALE PERFORMER: Cristi Enache; Horia Brenciu; Marcel Pavel; Pepe.
7. THE BEST FEMALE PERFORMER: Alexandra Stan; Antonia; Andra; Nico.
8. THE BEST FOLK ALBUM: "Azil" (Adrian Berinde); "Dragoste in 3" (Alina Manole);
"Inkorect" (Alexandru Andrieş); "Mii de smaralde" (Daniel Iancu)
9. THE BEST FOLK SONG: "Alb" (Poesis); "Am un pitic" (Alina Manole); "Din resturi de timp" (Adrian Berinde); "Mii de smaralde" (Daniel Iancu); "Vorbim?" (Al. Andrieş);
10. THE BEST FOLK ARTIST: Adrian Berinde; Alexandru Andrieş; Alina Manole; Daniel Iancu.
11. THE BEST POP-ROCK ALBUM: "2" (VH2/Cat Music); "Cele doua cuvinte" (Taxi/Cat Music); "Clasic de lux" (Directía 5/Cat Music).
12. THE BEST POP-ROCK SONG: "Copilul care aleargă" (Vama); "Iţi mulţumesc" (Direcţia 5); "Non Stop" (Taxi); "Să ştii" (Publika); "Stele in palma ta" (VH2).
13. THE BEST POP-ROCK ARTIST: Direcţia 5; Taxi; VH2.
14. THE BEST DICOGRAPHIC CONCEPT: "Azil" (Adrian Berinde); "Beautiful Jazz" – Duets (Direcţía 5); "Cântec pentru Tamango" (Hara); "Un altfel de portret" (Oana Sârbu);
15. RADIO ROMANIA JUNIOR: Andreea Olariu; Diana Zaharia; Ştefan Atârgoviţoaie.
16. THE ARTIST OF THE YEAR: Alexandra Stan; Direcţia 5; Guess Who; Pepe.
17. THE EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR THE ENTIRE ACTIVITY: -the songwriter Camelia Dăscălescu.
Translated by
Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University