The new measures adopted by the government enter into force

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 08 Ianuarie 2022, 11:58
As of today, the new measures adopted by the government come into force, which stipulate - among other things - the obligation to wear protective masks, including outdoors. The joint order of the ministers of health and home affairs was published yesterday evening in the Official Gazette.
In order to combat the infection with coronavirus, the document obliges the institutions, the public authorities, as well as the economic operators to ensure at the entrance the epidemiological triage, as well as the mandatory disinfection of the hands. At the same time, the quarantine period was reduced, according to explanations given at Victoria Palace.
Petruta Obrejan: People who come to Romania from countries with epidemiological risk will be quarantined for only five days if they are vaccinated or have been ill in the last six months, and 10 days if they are not vaccinated.
Translated by: Radu Matei