The new education laws reach the Senate

Articol de Amalia Bojescu, 10 Mai 2023, 19:47
The package of laws reforming the education system in Romania will enter the role of the Senate as the decision-making body, after it was adopted today in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, said, during the general debates, that the package of education laws represents an ambitious project, with measures to reform the educational system. The changes were necessary, the minister said, specifying that the adopted amendments target important issues for education in Romania.
Ligia Deca: Preventing and combating school dropout, combating functional illiteracy, implementing an education centered on the child, the student, the young person, ensuring safety in educational institutions, better training of teaching staff and their support and compliance with ethics and deontology norms.
The representatives of the formations in the governing coalition claimed, for their part, that they voted for a stable legislative framework in the field of education, stating that the results of the new measures will be seen in the years to come. USR voted against the bills. In the opinion of the Union, the announced measures do not respond to the problems that the education system has and represent a failure of the Romania educated project. Also from the opposition, deputy Simina Tulbure, from the REPER formation, said that more measures were needed, appreciating, however, the fact that some of the amendments submitted by this formation were accepted.
Simina Tulbure: The conclusion of contracts between L.C.C.R. staff, the Romanian language, culture and civilization course delivered by the Romanian Language Institute and the Ministry of Education, along with other support facilities for the organization of Romanian language courses abroad, the involvement of high-performing students in processes of reflection on reforms and transformations in their sectors of activity and support for pilot education units.
More than 1000 amendments were submitted to the two laws, of which approximately 700 were accepted. The education laws will enter the legislative route in the Senate, which must give a decisive vote.
Translated by: Radu Matei