The Ministry of Finance published the so-called "train-ordinance" with measures that will enter into force on January 1, 2023

Articol de Alina Bordeiaşu, 02 Decembrie 2022, 18:25
The Ministry of Finance published this week the so-called "train-ordinance", which includes the main fiscal-budgetary measures that will enter into force on January 1, 2023. The normative act provides, among other things, salary increases for budget workers, aid and increases for pensioners, including military ones. Alina Bordeiasu details the most important measures included in the project.
Reporter: The document developed by the Ministry of Finance provides for a 10% increase in salaries in the budget sector compared to the level granted for December 2022, without exceeding the salary scale. However, the salaries of dignitaries are maintained at the level of the end of this year.
According to the project, the value of the pension point is increased by 12.5 percent, from 1586 to 1785 lei. Also, pensioners with incomes lower than 3.000 lei will benefit from aid granted in two installments: in January and October. Those with pensions of up to 2.000 lei will also receive additional help for paying energy bills, in the amount of 1.400 lei, also granted in two stages.
Military pensions will also increase from the beginning of next year, but differently, while special pensions for local elected officials are suspended until 2024.
Other measures in the draft ordinance refer to the granting of a compensatory allowance for disabled people, the increase of the minimum wage to 3.000 lei, of which 200 are exempt from tax, the increase to 4.000 lei of the salary in the field of construction, but also the freezing of the fine point to 145 lei.
Translated by: Radu Matei