The launch of the national Health Innovation Hub Project
Articol de Florin Lepădatu, 19 Mai 2023, 01:49
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS - The Ministry of Health, the G6-UMF University Alliance and the Local American Working Group have launched, for the first time for Romania, the National Health Innovation Hub Project. The initiators of the project propose that it become a central element in a modern health system, in accordance with the priorities of the National Health Strategy 2023-2030.
Adriana Turea has more details: The Ministry of Health is the institutional partner of the health innovation hub, because in any country the responsibility for research and development, access to innovation, medicines and new technologies rests with the health authorities, stated the Minister of Health resort, Alexandru Rafila.
Alexandru Rafila: "Access to innovation in Romania has been limited or delayed for many years, and I believe that we have an element of catalyzing efforts and shortening many of the deadlines, and I believe that an extraordinary element, this hub, if it would later have the chance generated by the legislation in force, let's us also create a network of university hospitals. I think we can complete this area of research and development in health."
The president of the Local American Working Group, Radu Rasinar, says what the benefits are for patients.
Radu Rasinar: "Here we are talking about the patient's path in the healthcare system, maybe another way of diagnosis, maybe we are talking about a targeted therapy, or education, or adherence to treatment. Imagine the hub as a laboratory, not as a factory to produce globally. The value created here has the potential to then be scaled up and leveraged."
In conclusion, Romanian patients could have access to innovative treatments, and specialists could align themselves with the latest international standard.
Translated by: Radu Matei