The last enrollment stage in preparatory class and first grade
On Wednesday, it begins the last enrollment stage in preparatory class and first grade.

03 Mai 2012, 10:27
According to the State Secretary in the Education Ministry, Oana Badea, a week ago there were enrolled already in primary education 97 per cent of the nearly 300,000 children in censuses.
On Wednesday, it begins the last enrollment stage in preparatory class and first grade.
There are targeted the last 3 per cent of 300,000 children in censuses.
This fourth stage comes at the end of a tortuous process, sprinkled with parents’ complaints and appeals and software errors of Education Ministry.
When most parents have challenged on court, unsuccessfully, the Education Minister’s order on functioning the preparatory class and after a wrong beginning, in early March, due to the software that has not worked, behold enrollments in the preparatory class and first grade have come to the end.
Since Wednesday and until May 9 takes place the enrollment at the desired schools, for the available places of children whose parents have requested enrollment in another school than the one in the district , but they were initially rejected for lack of places.
Subsequently, between May 11 and 18, it will be enrolled children who have not been enrolled in any school.
According to the State Secretary in the Education Ministry, Oana Badea, a week ago there were enrolled already in primary education 97 per cent of the nearly 300,000 children in censuses.
In the capital, the enrollment takes place in a special centre organized at the National College I. L. Caragiale- according to the representatives of Bucharest School Inspectorate.
Information on enrollment of children in preparatory class and first grade for the school year 2012- 2013 may be required to TelVerde 0800.816.021.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura
MTTLC, Bucharest University