The Greek Government calls for the reform plan renegotiation
The new cabinet announces that it intends to review the measures taken early on the reduction of the minimum wage on economy.

Articol de Monica Chihaia, Atena, 25 Iunie 2012, 09:15
The new Greek Government calls for renegotiation of the reforms plan imposed by international lenders and extending the deadline for another two years.
The three parties that make up the Government agreed on a list of concessions that are more extensive than was expected, as specified the official text published Saturday.
Among the proposals they will present the IMF and EU representatives are taxes suspension and more benefits for the unemployed.
The attempt of re-negotiating the agreement with the EU and the IMF, according to the document, the parties have declared their agreement on the extension request of fiscal adjustment by 2016, the taxes reduction , freezing redundancies in budgetary sector, assistance to vulnerable social categories and extension of the period for granting aid for unemployment benefits to two years.
Regarding taxation the text is somewhat specific about setting up of taxpayers outstanding obligations that may not exceed 25 per cent of their incomes , gradual increase of the tax threshold and setting up a single tax on immovable property.
The new cabinet is planning to review measures taken early on the reduction of the minimum wage on economy, indicating that the collective agreements will return to the levels set by the laws in force and the European acquis.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura
MTTLC, Bucharest University