The Government "did not ask for exceptions to the IMF"
Romania has not requested derogations, so that the IMF Board of Directors, which will meet on June 26 to support the successful completion of the agreement, says Minister Voinea.

Articol de Sorin Croitorescu, 13 Iunie 2013, 21:27
Romania has not requested derogations from the financial institution, so that the Board of Directors, which will meet on June 26 to support the successful completion of the agreement.
The Government is on schedule and hopes that up to that date shall comply with all the commitments made in the negotiations with the IMF, including the target of arrears, the Minister-delegate for budget, Liviu Voinea.
"There is no extension beyond June and it's not about missing any targets. In addition to the many commitments of different intensities have five main criteria which are called, in the language Fund, prior actions, without which do not enter into the Fund's Board.
"These are: 1. the privatization of 15% of Transgaz-was done in April; 2. selection of the consultant for the privatization of 15% of the Energy complex Oltenia-with a population of was done in May;
"3. to reduce the arrears of local government 300 million lei when, on May 31, we will not have final data until next week; 4. to reduce the arrears to the Central Administration at 20 million lei to the same situation, final data we have next week, when we communicate; 5. selecting a winner for CFR privatization , deadline June 21-so far have been made steps in that direction, on June 21, we will communicate the Fund if it is to fulfill this requirement, "says John Crotty.
Romania has not missed any target within the terms of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund said on Thursday, Liviu Voinea, Minister delegate for budget.
According to him, the Fund's policy is that it does not make public the letter until after the board discussions.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura