The European Council,"a success"
President Basescu says that one cannot talk about a EC failure of that because the EU member countries 'representatives succeeded in reaching an agreement on the budget figure.

Articol de Paul Poteraşi, 28 Noiembrie 2012, 12:44
President Traian Basescu said Monday in a press release from the Cotroceni palace, the last European Council meeting, which took place last week on the topic of the project of the budget for the period from 2014-2020, has been a success.
Basescu said that one cannot talk about a failure of the Council, as representatives of the Member States of the Union have succeeded to reach an agreement on the figure of the European budget, but also on the introduction of a Tax Treaty in the conclusions of the meeting.
"The first element of success has been tied to the budget figure. You know that there were countries which demanded reduction of the EU budget by 50 billion towards the budget proposed by the European Commission, some by 75 billion, two other extreme powerful states that require cut by 200 billion.
"What is Important is that it has reached a figure: 100 billion euro less than the Commission's proposal.
Romania had "a few things fulfilled"
"This budget is 933 billion willing the six chapters of the EU. It was the first goal that needed to be done and which we were not understood. I ended up having a Board clear figure, "said Basescu.
The President said that the second element which has reached consensus is the introduction of the Tax Treaty in future European Council conclusions.
Traian Basescu also underlined a few gains achieved by Romania at last week's meeting, including increasing the co-financing of the European funds from 75 to 85 per cent as well as a more flexible payments in agriculture.
The President noted that he had a part.
"When I left, I still had pre financing growth from 2% to 6-7%.
"In the van Rompuy is 2%. I got 4% pre financing , but i told him and President van Rompuy did not consider the discussion closed, we need 1-2 per cent plus, especially on large project "it's the limit of 4%, but I know what will be?" said Traian Basescu
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura