The death rate from accidents in Romania, "decreasing"
According to European Commission, in 2011, Romania, the death rate from road accidents was 94 people per million inhabitants.

29 Martie 2012, 20:53
In Romania deaths caused by traffic accidents decreased in 2011 over the previous year by approximately 15 percent, according to data presented by the European Commission.
It is about provisional data, that, in 2011 in Romania have died in accidents, 94 persons per million inhabitants.
Romania was mentioned by transport commissioner, Siim Kalas, as among the countries that make considerable efforts to reduce the number of victims.
At the European level, the progress made in 2011 to reduce the number of victims are considered weaker than expected.
In countries where road safety is rigorously implemented, such as Germany or Sweden, the number of victims increased.
It is estimated that on European roads die each day 85 people.
According to Commissioner Siim Kallas, the figures presented should be a warning.
"It is the smallest decrease in the number of victims in a decade. We must do something to reduce by half the number of victims by 2020.”
"I sent letters to national authorities to have details of plans to reduce the number of victims this year. I will pay particular attention to accidents involving motorcyclists. The number of victims should be reduced, it is not acceptable to grow." said European Commissioner Siim Kallas.
From 2000 to 2010 road fatalities in Europe decreased by 45 percent.
Translated by Ioana Vioreanu
MTTLC, Bucharest University