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The Ambassador of Bulgaria in Romania: We will continue to work together to be Schengen members by the end of the year

The Ambassador of Bulgaria in Romania: We will continue to work together to be Schengen members by the end of the year

Articol de Diana Surdu, 14 Noiembrie 2023, 22:11

Romania and Bulgaria have more chances to join the Schengen Area by the end of the year together, and not with separate files - claims the Bulgarian ambassador in Bucharest, Radko Vlaykov.

The official explained, during a conference dedicated to the cooperation of the European Union with NATO, that a possible separation of the files for the integration of the two countries is not a solution, but only an option.

Radko Vlaykov: We continue to stay together, work together and be one group. I also heard from President Iohannis that we are staying together. I firmly believe that Romania and Bulgaria have excellent cooperation, including between our prime ministers, and we will continue to work together to be Schengen members by the end of the year.

Reporter: Do we have more chances this way?

Radko Vlaykov: I think so.

Translated by: Radu Matei

Etichete : radko vlaykov schengen
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