Teachers threaten a general strike

Articol de Cristiana Sabău, Bistriţa-Năsăud, 25 Martie 2023, 02:28
The calendar of protests organized by the education unions included, yesterday, new actions of picketing the headquarters of some prefectures.
Several hundred employees - teaching staff and auxiliary staff from education - demonstrated in this way in Maramures, Arad, Salaj, Bistrita-Nasaud, Bacau and Mehedinti.
As the RRA correspondent, Cristiana Sabau, reported, in front of the Administrative Palace in Bistrita, people complained about the current government's disinterest in the salary level in education and recalled that they had received promises that by the end of last month they would get results, but that no solutions have been found so far, especially regarding the non-teaching staff, who they say represent the most disadvantaged category, with salaries between 1.800 and 2.200 lei.
The union leaders draw attention that they are about to start collecting signatures to trigger the general strike, in parallel with the continuation of the street protests. New pickets are announced next week, including in Bucharest, where a large protest march would be organized in May.
Translated by: Radu Matei