Several normative acts on the regime of foreigners and asylum in Romania are amended
Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 07 Mai 2024, 19:38
The Chamber of Deputies adopted, without amendments, as a decision-making effort, the emergency ordinance amending several normative acts on the regime of foreigners and asylum in Romania. The document provides for measures to manage illegal migration and comply with European regulations in this field.
Iulia Gherman has details: "The normative act establishes the right of foreigners to remain on Romanian territory until the asylum procedure is completed. It also allows for the involvement of experts from the European Union Asylum Agency in the reception of asylum applications and the analysis of the files. AUR has spoken out against the draft law.
Ilie Colesa, AUR MEP: "A file that is finalised with the rejection of the right to asylum generally means, de facto, that the illegal immigrant remains in the European Union, in this case in Romania. This draft law partially implements the Pact on Migration, which is highly criticised, unacceptable for Romania and rejected by the patriots present in the European Parliament."
Social Democrat Viorel Salan underlined that the measures adopted allow the alignment of the national regulatory framework in the field of foreigners and asylum with European regulations.
Viorel Salan: "The main aim is to optimise the institutions of the Interior Ministry in order to meet the needs of Romanian citizens and society. The measures are also aimed at aligning national legislation with the elements contained in European regulations, the recommendations of the European Court and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, relevant to the return of foreigners."
The draft law will be sent for promulgation.
Translated by: Radu Matei