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Seminar on regional cooperation in South-East Europe:Sarajevo, 22 March

Event focuses on the role of regional cooperation, as a prerequisite of the European integration process of the Western Balkans.

Seminar on regional cooperation in South-East Europe:Sarajevo, 22 March

18 Martie 2019, 16:41

Romania’s EU Council Presidency set high on its agenda continuation of the Enlargement Process and stability and security in the Western Balkans region. In order to promote these priorities, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organize, on March 22, 2019, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a seminar on regional cooperation architecture in South East Europe.

Romania, as a founder state of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), is actively engaged in regional cooperation in South-East Europe and aims to bring to the attention of the EU and to the region a conceptual change in regional cooperation, based on more efficient use of the available regional cooperation mechanisms.

Event focuses on the role of regional cooperation, as a prerequisite of the European integration process of the Western Balkans and aims at identifying ways to increase the contribution of the South East Europe regional cooperation structures to good neighborhood relations and regional stability.

Seminar has as main objectives to take stock of the existing regional cooperation architecture in SEE, to assess progress achieved and contribution of existing regional cooperation mechanisms to the European and Euro-Atlantic integration process, as well as to raise awareness on the need to transform regional cooperation into a powerful and effective tool to promote the region`s interests. Last but not least, event will offer a good opportunity for a consistent exchange of views regarding the EU-Western Balkans relations.

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