Schools to receive funding for "Green Week" programme

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 12 Aprilie 2024, 22:41
State educational establishments will receive, starting from the next school year, about 17 lei per pupil to carry out activities under the "Green Week" programme, according to a draft put out for public debate by the Education Ministry. To receive the funding, schools must register with their school inspectorate.
Felicia Mocanu has details: "Registration must be made between May and September 2024. If there are schools that do not apply by the deadline or within a maximum of one week after the deadline, their budgets will be allocated to other schools in the same county or in Bucharest, at the decision of the school inspectorate.
The money received will be used to organise environmental camps, excursions, trips to the cinema to watch nature documentaries, or to create green spaces in schoolyards. The total budget for 2024 and 2025 is 100 million lei. A pupil will get 17 lei a year for a week's activities.
It should be recalled that the amount of 100 million lei allocated by the Ministry of the Environment to finance the Green Week programme in schools for two years, 2024 and 2025, is about five times less than the amount announced by the Minister of the Environment, Mircea Fechet, in July 2023, when European funds amounted to 100 million euro."
Translated by: Radu Matei