Romeo and Juliet at Mizil

Articol de Radiojurnal, 29 Ianuarie 2023, 02:03
The "Romeo and Juliet at Mizil" International Literary Festival awarded yesterday the winners of the 16th edition.
More than 600 authors of poems and epigrams, including from abroad, entered the competition with texts that have not been published before, in two sections: adults and students.
Beyond the competition, the Mizil Literary Festival, the only one in the country organized and hosted by a high school, "Grigore Tocilescu", is an important meeting point, says one of the initiators of the event, Romanian language and literature teacher Laurentiu Badicioiu.
Laurentiu Badicioiu: The great merit of this festival, in our opinion, i.e. the organizers, Laurentiu Badicioiu and Victor Mina, is the fact that it manages to coagulate the energy of many writers, people of culture who gather annually, at Mizil, to, as said by Corneliu Leu, blossom ideas, that is to talk, to unleash energies, to embrace each other from a literary, poetic, epigrammatic point of view and so on and finally, to become friends or to meet again as good friends, as they have formed over time. I think that in the end, the festival is for those who listen, Radio Romania News being a partner. "Romeo and Juliet at Mizil" is a festival open to all those with talent. It is also a launching pad, as there are a lot of young participants. This year, out of 665 participants, 300 were students.
Translated by: Radu Matei