Romanian food "is safe"
Farmers and the authorities of Salaj start a campaign to convince consumers that they do not have reasons to concern regarding the quality of Romanian products.

Articol de Adrian Lungu, Sălaj, 25 Martie 2013, 09:39
Agriculture Minister, Daniel Constantin, admitted Friday in a statement in Cluj that Romanian farmers suffered from the lately controversies about the quality of agro-food products.
The case identification of aflatoxin in milk from several farms reduced the demand, but, insists the Agriculture Minister, the processors have respected their contracts with the growers and bought milk, even if it means an increase in stocks.
After Romania, in recent months, has been the center of many controversies about the quality of food - milk with aflatoxin, antibiotic turkey, horse meat instead of beef - farmers and the authorities of Salaj started on Friday an information campaign to convince consumers that they would not have any reason to concern.
Eat with confidence the Romanian food because it is safe - this is the urge of farmers and veterinary authorities of Salaj for population.
Experts’ urge comes after developing suspicions about the quality of milk, meat or other products from the Romanian firm, suspected to have caused the decrease in consumption of products produced at national level.
"In the county of Salaj there is no doubt that there are products counterfeit with the species substitution, there is no milk contaminated with aflatoxin. We received the analysis reports from reference laboratory and we have no overcoming the parameters stipulated by law. The products are good, they can be consumed, and our role is that when we find those exceeding the consumer to withdraw those products, "said Mircea Martin, DSV Salaj coordinator.
In Salaj, a real campaign started Friday, in which both farmers and processors inform the population through public meetings that Romanian products are safe for human consumption.
According to farmers, suspicions about certain Romanian products are released intentionally.
Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University