Romanian educational system "is in need of reform"
Trade union federations expects from the new leadership a genuine reform, a reform of curriculum contents of textbooks.

Articol de Daniela Coman, corespondent RRA în Franța, 25 Decembrie 2012, 10:38
Education Minister Remus Procopie said that the Romanian education reform is a long process and that now will not make sudden changes in this sector.
The Romanian education system needs reform because society's needs have changed-said on Monday, for Radio Romania, Minister Remus Procopie.
He made it clear that this is a lengthy process and that now will not make sudden changes in this sector.
Therefore, the exams at the end of the school year 2013, including baccalaureate, remain as they were announced.
In an interview with Radio Romania Actualitati editor Cristina Iliescu, Minister of Eeducation said that the Government is looking for ways to increase the budget allocated to education.
"It Has already begun discussions of principle in both the Government and the Finance Ministry to see how we can grow the budgets, much better to use the structural funds and external funding," said Remus Procopie .
The reform of textbook content
Trade union federations expects from the new leadership a genuine reform, a reform of curriculum contents of textbooks.
"You need at least two years to realize the manuals and start the procedure for printing and so you can't change all the textbooks in a single year, you must change them on cycles.
"So, in the most optimistic way, textbooks will be changed in about six years," said Minister Procopie.
The reform of textbooks involves mainly the reform of the curricula.
Minister of education said that the reform of textbooks involves mainly the reform of curricula, but first you need to view, framework programmes must establish the exact number of hours, the balance between different disciplines, contents, so analytical and programs, after that go to manuals design.
"Last but not least, we need a number of legal clarifications," added Remus Procopie.
The Minister of Education has indicated that it will not change the school inspectors on political criteria, but many of them are appointed to the delegation and should have contests for those positions.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura