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Romanian Army will participate in ”Defender 2020 in Europe” exercise

Third-largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War will take place in 2020.

Romanian Army will participate in ”Defender 2020 in Europe” exercise

Articol de Radu Dobriţoiu, 23 Octombrie 2019, 16:27

Third-largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War will take place in 2020. ”Defender 2020 in Europe” will involve about 37,000 soldiers, up to 29,000 of them being American. Romania is expected to have a consistent participation in this exercise – Chief of Romanian Defense, General Nicolae Ciucă, stated for Radio Romania News Channel (RRA).

General Nicolae Ciucă: "The exercise is a large one - perhaps the largest exercise on the planners' board. I submitted the documents for participation, I spoke with the Polish Chief of Defense, I also sent the letter of approval to the Commander of the US Ground Forces in Europe, so that next year we can have a consistent participation, according to the level of ambition and the role that Romania plays in all allied decisions for deterring and defending the NATO Eastern flank".

“Defender 2020 in Europe” exercise will take place from February to August next year, announces RRA Military Reporter Radu Dobriţoiu.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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