Romania will have production lines for military and civilian drones by the end of the year

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 26 Martie 2025, 22:44
Romania will have by the end of this year its own production lines for military and civilian drones, as well as for explosive powders, Economy Minister Bogdan Ivan told the Senate plenary. He was invited on Wednesday by USR to "Government Hour" to explain the Romanian defense industry.
Bogdan Ivan: "From the point of view of strategic investments, we are starting all the procedures for feasibility studies, design for the constructions that will be located in Victoria and will produce powders in a joint venture with a large European producer of powders. We have also allocated in the budget - for 2025 - €125 million for the TNT plant in Fagaras and for the modernization of the RDX production line in Fagaras, which will go into production at the end of this year."
Translated by: Radu Matei