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Romania ranks last in the EU for online interaction between citizens and authorities

Romania ranks last in the EU for online interaction between citizens and authorities

Articol de Bogdan Isopescu, 24 Septembrie 2024, 18:47

Romania ranks last in the European Union when it comes to online interaction between citizens and authorities. According to data compiled by Eurostat, last year, less than 25% of Romanians accessed the internet in this respect, which is three times less than the EU average.

Reporter: The EU average shows that almost 70% of the EU population has at least once accessed the authorities' websites. In Romania, only 23% of the population aged between 16 and 74 did so in 2023 - the lowest score in the EU.

Bulgaria is close behind with 30 percent, putting the two countries well below the EU as a whole. The third country in the negative ranking is Germany, but it has double our score, at 58%. The Nordic countries fare best.

In Denmark, almost the entire population, 98% of the population, has accessed the authorities' websites for various information or services. Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden follow with 95% each.

In general, Europeans go to these websites for information about laws, regulations or the authorities' opening hours, accounting for 42% of hits. Other services include downloading and printing various government forms, 40 percent; or scheduling meetings and hearings.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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