Romania is the EU country with the lowest number of foreign tourists

Articol de Bogdan Isopescu, 29 Septembrie 2023, 02:46
The EU is a holiday destination for 4 out of 10 tourists worldwide. Almost half of the accommodation places in the community space were purchased by foreign tourists from other member states or non-EU countries.
Romania is the EU member country with the lowest percentage of foreign tourists. The European Union annually attracts over 40% of international tourists. Last year, 43% of accommodation nights in the European Union were purchased by foreign tourists, and the remaining 57% by domestic tourists.
In 11 member states, foreign tourists were the majority. For example, in Malta, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Greece, the accommodation of foreign tourists represents between 84% and 92% of the total nights of accommodation. Nominally, however, Spain has the most accommodation nights purchased by foreign tourists, in this case 270 million.
Italy is next, with over 200 million. Both accumulate 40% of the total accommodation nights paid by foreign tourists in the European Union.
The weakest position is held by Romania. Only 14% of accommodation nights were purchased by foreign tourists, compared to the European average of 43%. Poland, Germany and Sweden follow.
Translated by: Radu Matei